Wao...! One big thing just had happened. I made my wedding ceremony successfully. The marriage (Nikah) itself is simple, as it is just a word. But the ceremony itself needs much more preparation! Alhamdoulillah everything was done smoothly. I missed many Silat courses during those wedding weeks. I thought I could simply came to the Silat course organized by Cikgu Amin Hamzah the night we had the wedding reception at my wife's house. Nope. It was too hard. I wanted it hardly to come, but failed to fight against the wish of my beloved wife. lol
The wedding itself caused me many sacrifices other than that. Money, times, commitment, and attention. As I made a "Nazar" (promise to God), to cut off my hair when I'm getting married and only by the hand of my Ma and my Abah, something strange happened at the Barber's shop. It was only my Ma who managed to cut my hair. The second one is my Abah. Than the barber could do his work normally. Here myself, with no more "dragon's tail". Brutally chopped down by Abang Lan Tukang Gunting. Hehhe
The hair means a lot to me. I made that Nazar as a promise for myself to learn and to train Gayong as much as possible as I can before the time of "matured" comes. Hopefully the saparation between us will bring better things in my searching for the true art of Gayong.
And of course, after being "bombarded" many times with the friends' wedding invitations and was forced to eat eventhough you were not hungry, I finally "satisfactorily" gained few kilos. (Again!) Oh God...! I must start to work out my shape again. I need to maintain my stamina again. Hopefully after this wedding things passed on, I'll have enough time and wonderful place to start my training! ;)
I would like here to thank to all friends, families, Cikgus, Masters, brothers and sisters, who came to my wedding reception, and who thought a lot about us eventhough you were not coming. A sincere prayer from you is needed and your generosity and kindness were appriciated by us, my family here in Pasir Puteh. Ok, one thing just happened. One big thing. When will one "big" thing in Gayong will happen to me??? Hope the day comes when " Pecah Gayong Perpecahan Sayang, Satu Masa dan Ketika Akan Kembali Teguh"...
"Je suis de retour" (I'm coming back)