In Sungai Ibor, Gurun, there is a Gayong Master that many of Malaysia would know his name. This old Master, is still teaching and training the young Silat practitioners for the perfection. The man, who was holding a Keris up to the sky while shouting like a lion at the beginning of TV series "MAHAGURU", was Cikgu Awang Daud.
When Dato' Meor taught Silat Seni Gayong in Singapore, the British government was quite skeptical with Malay Seni Silat. They don't want any rebels, and besides, as what they could see inside other traditional Malay Silat, there were too much "dancing" and few practical combat technic showed during the demo. But the late Dato' Meor was an intelligent Martial Art Master. He "created" a Combat system to be taught to the British army. It was not an easy task for a normal person to do that because as Malay, we can't reveal our secret to the foreigner, but at the same time we must prove that Silat is one of the best defense system.
That time, the "Kombat" syllabus was born. One man was charged by the late Dato' to teach the foreigner, the British, the Sikh, and other British army. He was Cikgu Awang Daud. Cikgu Awang said "I trained the white people. Cikgu Majid trained the Malays!". The system was developed and until it became a perfect self-defense system based on Silat Seni Gayong.
Even after that, the Malaysian Army and Malaysian Police started to use Silat Seni Gayong as one of their syllabus, called as Tempur Tanpa Senjata and Seni Silat Polis.

the old school ADMAA logo
Cikgu Awang Daud now moves under his martial art academy of ADMAA: Awang Daud Martial Art Academy. He teaches all of his knowledge that he learned from the late Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman and arrange in one complete syllabus for the ADMAA Gurulatihs. The best ADMAA trainer was his son, the late Cikgu Zulkarnain (Allah yarhamhu..), and now continued by the younger brother Cikgu Adi.
A few snaps of Cikgu Awang Daud while explaining about a Tekpi for training to Cikgu Nasir. It is heavier and much more difficult to hold and to swing. But a continuous training with heavy Tekpi will bring you a better result when playing with it! It reminds me a lot a pair of Tekpi at Tuan Rashid's house that we used to train with. As what I was told, Cikgu Awang Daud is one of the expert of Tekpi in Silat Seni Gayong. (and he is expert in many things too!).
Kota saat ini: Balikpapan
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