Silat Seni Gayong is a formal martial art federation that exist by law in Malaysia and in international. But it is also a martial art that owned by the late MAHAGURU. Everything that concerning the Silat Seni Gayong was decided by him. He had the total right and the veto power to make the rules as he wished because he was the founder, and we were (and are) his students. But after he passed away, the late MAHAGURU chosed the late Cikgu Siti Kalsom as the Ibu Gayong (Gayong Mother: all of the women's affairs in Silat Seni Gayong), the late of Cikgu Mat Lazim as the chief of Adat and Gurulatih (permission to conduct the tradition rituals and formalizing the national syllabus) and the late Cikgu Razali Salleh as the chief of administration (expanding Silat Seni Gayong everywhere and legally)
This shows us that Silat Seni Gayong has the rules and ranking. It is not based only on the Perlembagaan (rules voted during the Annual General Meeting) but it is bounded with the power of Adat (Traditional rules made by the late MAHAGURU). It is not a politic party, but a Malay traditional body that serves under the King. It means that the power of AGM cannot surpass the wish of the late MAHAGURU. Everything that he ordered us, in the Wasiat,(letters) must be followed to conduct the federation after his death.
That's why the system of Sandang (shoulder sash) exist in Silat Seni Gayong. Sandang shows the one's ranking in the system (referring to the book written by Cikgu Wan Ahmad Fauzi). There are 5 types of Sandang in Silat Seni Gayong.
Sandang Protokol
The first one is Sandang Protokol (Politic/Protocol), given to the Malay King, Prince, or Politician as the "protector" (patron) of the federation. They are the symbol of Silat Seni Gayong, as the purpose is to serve the King and the people.
This type of Sandang is divided into:
1) Seri Tri Buana Chula Negara
Seri Tri Buana Chula Sakti Purba Negara (Agung protector)
Seri Tri Buana Chula Sakti Bintang Negara (Royal protector)
2) Seri Mahkota Agung Gayong
Seri Mahkota Agung Gangga Chula Sakti (Imam Khalifah Agung)
Seri Mahkota Agung Gangga Pelangi Sakti (Deputy Imam Khalifah Agung)
Seri Mahkota Agung Buana Gangga Chula Sakti (Chief of Imam Khalifah)
Seri Mahkota Agung Buana Chula Sakti (Imam Khalifah)
Seri Mahkota Agung Buana Pelangi Sakti (Deputy Imam Khalifah)
The third type is Sandang Berjawatan (Position in the administration), given to the Chief, Secretary, Board of Adat, etc. The sandang is like Imam Gelanggang, Srikandi Gelanggang,Khalifah Muda, Khalifah Besar, Waris Beradat etc.
1) Lembaga Waris Amanah (Board of Trustee)
Seri Mahkota Agung Chula Gangga Sakti (Waris Amanah Mutlak)
a) Jawatan Kuasa Agung (Board of Administration)
i) Seri Mahkota Agung Gangga Sakti (Chairman)
ii) Seri Mahkota Agung Chula Sakti (Deputy Chairman)
iii)Seri Mahkota Agung Chula Pelangi (Chief Khalifah Besar/Chief Setiausaha Adat)
iv)Seri Mahkota Agung Bintang Pelangi (Chief Waris Beradat/Chairman Majlis Ibu Gayong)
v) Seri Mahkota Agung Relang Pelangi (Chief Waris Beradat/Chairman Lembaga Beradat Negeri)
b) Majlis Kehakiman Gayong (Board of Justice)
i) Seri Mahkota Agung Pelangi Sakti (Kipas Emas: Golden Fan)
c) Majlis Perlimau Kebangsaan (National Board of Perlimau)
i) Seri Mahkota Agung Cahaya Pelangi Sakti (Member of Board of Penapis Amanah)
ii) Seri Mahkota Agung Cahaya Pelangi (Chief Wakil Beradat)
iii)Seri Mahkota Pelangi Sakti (Wakil Beradat)
3) Lembaga Beradat Negeri (State Board of Tradition)
Seri Mahkota Agung Relang Pelangi (Chairman)
Seri Mahkota Chula Sakti (Khalifah Besar)
Seri Chula Sakti (Waris Beradat)
Seri Pelangi Sakti (Chief of Khalifah)
Seri Bintang Sakti (Chief of Beradat)
Seri Relang Sakti (Khalifah)
Seri Relang Pelangi (Imamah)
Seri Cahaya Sakti (Khalifah Muda)
Seri Cahaya Pelangi (Imamah Muda)
Seri Sakti (Imam Gelanggang)
Seri Pelangi (Naqibah Gelanggang)
4) Majlis Gurulatih Kebangsaan (National Board of Syllabus)
Pengarah (no specified sandang)
Timbalan Pengarah (no specified sandang)
Panglima Seri Setia Sakti (Chief of Secretary)
Panglima Seri Geliga Sakti (Executive Members)
Panglima Seri Amanah Sakti (Board Members)
The third type is Sandang Kegurulatihan (Ranking in terms of syllabus and the power of teaching and grading the students) given to those who has a certain level of knowledge of the art of Silat Seni Gayong. Panglima Geliga Sakti, Panglima Chula Hitam, Panglima Pelangi Hitam, Singa Malaya, Panglima Hitam Chula Sakti....
Panglima Hitam Chula Sakti (Chief of Director of Gurulatih)
Panglima Singa Malaya (Director of Gurulatih)
Panglima Pelangi Hitam (Highest Gurulatih)
Panglima Chula Hitam (Senior Gurulatih)
Panglima Geliga sakti (Gurulatih)
Srikandi Geliga Sakti (Gurulatih)
Panglima Amanah Sakti (Jurulatih)
Srikandi Amanah Sakti (Jurulatih)
The forth type is Sandang Khas (special title) given to certain Gurulatih that has certain special abilities and skills in the way they "play" Silat Seni Gayong. Those title like Harimau Kumbang, Naga Bora, Lipan Bara, Kuda Gila etc...
Harimau Singa Berantai (Chained Lion and Tiger)
Kuda Gila (Crazy Horse)
Naga Bora (Wind Dragon)
Harimau Berantai (Chained Tigre)
Lipan Bara (Red Centipede)
Kumbang Hitam (Black Phanter)
The Bengkung (belt) starts from Hitam Kosong, Awan Putih, Pelangi Hijau, Pelangi Merah (I-III), Pelangi Kuning (I-V), Hitam Mulus, Pelangi Hitam Chula Sakti (I-VI), and Bengkung MAHAGURU (VII). This belt system, obtained by passing the grading, shows the level of syllabus that one had mastered. But there is two types of lesson in Silat Seni Gayong. The first one is the Syllabus. This lesson is used for one during the grading for the certificate and belt to be a legal and licensed Gurulatih or Jurulatih.
The second type of lesson is the non-syllabus which is taught by the Masters but not for the purpose of grading. Normally, it can have a Khatam (graduation ceremony) or not. Some Khatam could be a whole day of technics demonstration, a ritual bath with flower, receiving certain Ilmu to be practiced or a simple Aqad (shake hands) with the Masters while offering him some gifts.
Any of Gayong group outside Malaysia must be registered with the Federation of Silat Seni Gayong Headquarters at Kuala Lumpur, after the permission of the Board of Trustee. Any certified Gurulatih (Gurulatih Gayong with the Sijil Gurulatih) can open Gayong school outside of Malaysia and ask the Affiliation Member Certificate with Gayong HQ. Traditionally, as what Cikgu Mufti Ansari says, the Sandang is given ONLY to Malay, not to the Anak Gayong from other countries since it is the power of Adat. However, as it is agreed by the board of trustee, some Anak Gayong from outside Malaysia were awarded the Sandang after showing a great motivation, loyalty and clear comprehension about the Malay Adat, culture, Gayong syllabus and Malay language. In this case, any National Gayong Association outside Malaysia, for example Association Francaise Silat Seni Gayong, is considered only as a state to be compared to Malaysia. So the Sandang system that can be used, ONLY after the permission of the Board of Trustee, is based on the Lembaga Beradat Negeri (State Board of Tradition). The syllabus that must be applied must be verified by the Gurulatih that has the Sandang Kegurulatihan, while the administration must be headed by the Gurulatih that has the Sandang Berjawatan. But there are only certain type of Sandang that can be delivered to the Gayong practitioner outside Malaysia, depending on the country and the system. In all case, we must consult the Board of Turstee.
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