Monday, January 5, 2015

Women Self Defense 2.0 Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Kursus Seni Beladiri Wanita 2014 (WSD'14)

Women Self Defence (WSD) 2014 had been successfully organized at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. With the participation more than one hundred female students from UMP, I did appreciate the help and commitment from all of the Urusetia and also the seminar assistants from PSSGMUMP Naga Rantau. The program was organized by the Majlis Puteri Gayong PSSGMUMP, under the Pengarah Program Siti Fatimah who is also the chairperson of MPG session 2013/2014. 

Women Self Defence 2014 is the second one after the success of the first WSD in 2012. Majlis Puteri Gayong which we called more as MPG in our Gelanggang Naga Rantau, is a bureau that covers all of the welfare of female members and also where the the syllabus for the female members is intensively discussed. One of the responsibility that MPG must bear during this seminar is to provide the most basic need for the female students of UMP : how to protect themselves. 

During this short course, 5 Modules had been more and less discussed. Over all, we had 107 participants from all of the residential college UMP. From the knowledge of the vital points and the suitable strike to hit them perfectly, to the technique of escaping, blocking and counter attacks of the short-weapon like Knife or Kerambit. Some technique of the projection and arm-locks also had been discussed. From 9 a.m to 5 p.m, we finished with a simulation for the real-like situation. It was indeed a great day to tell everyone. I apologize all if the weakness during the seminar and hope that the knowledge shred will benefit us all. InsyaAllah. If you are still interested, come and join our PSSGMUMP our simply register for the next WSD3.0 with a very specific Module. 

Thank you to all of the members of Majlis Puteri Gayong Gelanggang Naga Rantau, not to forget my best two assistant Suhanna and Ummi  and others, and all the best for the future. I am sure that you are all ready for a 'bigger' program next time! ;) InsyaAllah!

Booklet : simple techniques 

using one of the common tool: umbrella

learn and practice

basic lock

escape first


ground basic techniques

grapp-grapp ;)



blades for the participants

titik-titik maut

among the participant of WSC'14

Majlis Puteri Gayong,
 Gelanggang Naga Rantau,

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Majlis Silaturrahim Gelanggang Bintang Pelangi Cula Sakti, Jengka 1

Majlis Silaturrahim PSSGM Gelanggang Bintang Pelangi Cula Sakti di bawah Cikgu Jasni Baba telah dijalankan di Jengka 1. Sejarah Gayong di Pahang tidak dapat lari dari Gelanggang pertama yang mana Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman sendiri yang hadir bersama gurulatih-gurulatihnya untuk menjalankan adat istiadat perlimau. Majlis silaturrahim ini dihadiri oleh guru-guru tua di dalam pahang, terutama murid-murid barisan pertama yang dilatih oleh Gurulatih yang ditugaskan ke Pahang pada waktu itu iaitu Cikgu Ahmad Ismail dan Cikgu Azizan Syarif. Malam silaturrahim itu juga selain dari pameran, kehadiran yang berbahagia Cikgu Ahmad Ismail juga adalah untuk memperturunkan beberapa ilmu dan pelajaran bersama Guru-guru tua Pahang dan juga anak-anak muda di sini. Beberapa gurulatih juga diperkenankan oleh beliau untuk diperturunkan Dalang Mandi Minyak dan pelajaran-pelajaran yang lain. Guru-guru tua yang hadir malam itu termasuklah Cikgu Rahim Masrom, Cikgu Shaari, Cikgu Rahmat, dan lain-lain.

Cikgu Mat Putih / Ahmad Ismail / Mat Jepun / Singa Putih

Sedikit sejarah ringkas Silat Seni Gayong di Negeri Pahang sepertimana dalam Buku Majlis Adat Isitiadat Pertabalan Sandang Kebesaran dan Penyampaian Bengkung PSSGm Negeri Pahang 2014:

Kedatangan silat seni Gayong di negeri Pahang bermula pada tahun 1971, apabila majlis perlimau buat pertama kalinya diadakan oleh Dato Meor di Jengka Satu. Pada waktu ini, Dato Meor datang ke Jengka Satu dibawah nama Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia (PSSGM). Gelaran yang diberikan kepada gelanggang tersebut ialah Gelanggang Bintang Pelangi Cula Sakti. Setelah itu, Dato Meor telah menghantar Cikgu Ahmad Ismail dan Cikgu Azizan Syarif untuk mengembangkan Silat Seni Gayong di felda-felda di Pahang. Dari sini lahirnya gurulatih-gurulatih seperti Cikgu Jasni di Jengka dan Cikgu Shaari di Temerloh.
Kemudian pada awal 80-an, silat seni Gayong telah berkembang ke Felda Chemomoi dan Triang. Cikgu Aziz Syarif yang berasal dari Melaka telah melatih pesilat-pesilat di kawasan ini. Cikgu Kasim adalah salah seorang hasil didikan Cikgu Aziz Syarif. Beliau adalah antara Guurlatih yang menerajui PSSGM Sabah waktu ini. Dengan berkembangnya Silat Seni Gayong di Pahang Barat ini, maka lahirlah gelanggang silat di setiap daerah seperti yang ada pada masa ini.
Di Kuantan juga telah berkembangnya silat seni Gayong. Cikgu Rahim bin Masrom yang berasal daripada PSSGM Negeri Sembilan telah mengembangkan silat seni gayong di bahagian Pahang Timur. Cikgu Rahim bin Masrom telah ditabalkan sebagai Yang di-Pertua PSSGM Pahang dan dianugerahkan selempanng kebesaran bergelar Pendekar daripada Sultan Pahang, Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah ibni Sultan Abu Bakar Riayatuddin Al-Muadzam Shah.
Selain itu, Mejar Zam zam telah membantu dalam mengembangkan silat seni Gayong di kem tentera dan belia-belia di sekitar Kuantan. Beliau juga merupakan penulis buku Tempur Tanpa Senjata edisi pertama selain itu,kedatangan Cikgu Fazilah dari PSSGM Kelantan mewarnai juga perkembangan silat seni gayong di negeri ini. Tahun 2014 menyaksikan penyampaian adat  istiadat sandang kebesaran PSSGM Pahang  yang ke-2 sejak tahun 1998 yang pertama dahulu, yang mengumpulkan kesemua guru-guru tua, gurulatih-gurulatih kanan, gurulatih-gurulatih, jurulatih-jurulatih dari seluruh negeri pahang seperti daerah Kuantan, Pekan, Maran, Temerloh, Kuala Lipis, Jerantut dan Bera.
Hakikat sebenarnya ramai lagi Gurulatih dan Jurulatih yang bersama-sama berjasa mengembangkan Silat Seni Gayong ini di Pahang yang tidak mampu untuk dinukilkan di ruang sekecil ini. InsyaAllah, bersama kita doakan agar kesemua mereka yang berbakti tanpa mengenal penat dan lelah dalam mengembangkan ilmu ini diberkati oleh Allah swt.

Cikgu Jasmi Baba

"Geng Kopi Pahit".
Pengijazahan wakil Adat Perlimau seramai 21 orang bagi Negeri Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan oleh Allahyarham Cikgu Mohd. Razali Salleh (1998)

Ruang pameran

 Persiapan demo

 Persiapan minyak

 Cikgu Rahim Masrom

Gimik majlis

persembahan dari Panglima-Srikandi

Ambil tapak

santapan malam: kelapa berinti sabut hehehe

persembahan yg hebat: sampai patah parang tuu...


cikgu man dan anak-anak nye yg setia heheheh

antara Gurulatih2 PSSGM Pahang yang hadir meraikan majlis.

Ambo ingin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak-banyak kepada tuan rumah di atas jemputan dengan segala layanan baik dari pada makan minum, homestay, cenderahati dan lain-lain. 

"Kajang Pak Malau Kajang Berlipat
Kajang Ambo Mengkuang Layu
Dagang Tuan Semua Dagang Bertempat
Dagang Ambo Menumpang Lalu."

Banyak ertinya dalam menghayati persaudaraan dalam Silat Seni Gayong. Untung ambo takdirnya dapat berada di tempat orang baik-baik. Datang sehelai sepinggang, dibuka pintu jalan. Diberi tapak untuk membina rumah. Jasa dan budi baik tuan puan Guru-guru tua sekelian insyaAllah ambo tak mampu nak balas. Semoga sama-sama kita menyemarakkan silaturrahim ini. Sekali lagi, terima kasih cikgu jasmi baba dan geng-geng PSSGM Jengka/Maran atas jemputan. Hayyakumullah. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Naga Rantau Merantau ke Australia...

What is best being in the martial art is that we can get to know everybody and we're also getting known. Alhamdoulillah, Silat Seni Gayong is one big family, not only in Malaysia but also all around the globe insyaAllah we could find anyone who at least Anak Gayong eventhough he/she practices no more Gayong due to work or anything. But meeting with a Gayong Master in oversea is not a common chance. We got that precious moment during our last visit in Perth to the Silat Seni Gayong Australia headquarter. It was the "Naga Juang" (Fighting Dragons) territory, so this small "Naga Rantau" had just to ask their permission Minta Lalu Tok... hihihi

the first night training together

lots of question from me to Cikgu Sunny!

Checked-in in the beautiful Malaysian Hall which had not been officiated yet, our team from Gelanggang Naga Rantau, had been following every program arranged by SSGA. Sincerely, we had been invited almost everyday for Demo, Training or Makan! It was indeed truly feel like family when everyone knows each others, and all of parents are supporting their children doing Silat with us. We had participated the demo during the opening ceremony in Burridge and lastly in Balcatta of the Aussie-Malay community wedding. Many many thanks for these opportunity and those lovely people with sweet words welcoming us!

Srikandi Ain, a tigress of Perth. Auummm!!! ;)

Cikgu Khairul, Cikgu Sunny and Cikgu Razak

I met Cikgu Sunny for the first time at Rumah Gayong during the National Gurulatih Course, with Cikgu Khairul. Exchanging some news and talking about many things especially Gayong internationally, we ended then with a plan of trip to Perth for the opening ceremony of the Gelanggang Naga Juang of SSGA. The day we touched down at the Perth airport, we were welcomed by Cikgu Sunny, Cikgu Razak and Cikgu Khairul.

Cikgu Sunny and Cikgu Razak are no stranger in Perth. They have been teaching Silat Seni Gayong in Australia since many years actually. Both of them are Singaporean, and had moved very long time ago to Australia and ironically they didn't know each other eventhough each of them had a Gelanggang and had met occasionally in the Pencak Silat program by the Australian Pencak Silat Federation or Persisi (Singaporean Pencak Silat Federation). But the birth of "Silat Seni Gayong Australia" finally brings them together as the two Gayong dragons in the Down Under.

Spending few days with Cikgu Sunny and Cikgu Razak indeed made me exploring the Gayong world in Singapore. I was initially quite unfamiliar with the different Gayong schools in Singapore. Cikgu Sunny was a student of Cikgu Sharkawi Mat Som, Pak Buang Bahar, Pak Suni Rabi and Pak Sulong Bachok. They are all the direct students of Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman when the first time Dato' opened Silat Seni Gayong gelanggang ever. After Dato' came back to Perak, there were few Gayong schools with the most-known to Malaysia like Gayong PASAK (Pak Hussein Kaslan), Gayong PERWANIT (Pak Buang Bahar), Gayong Pukulan (Pak Suni) and Gayong Super Combat (Pak Sulong).

The time came where Cikgu Sunny had to move to Australia for a reason. Before leaving, he asked the blessing from his teachers in Singapore, and even went to Ayer Kuning to meet Allahyarhamah Cikgu Siti Kalsom and Allahyarham Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman. It was there he had obliged to stay one night and in the next morning Dato' gave him something in his palms. It was the double-dragon logo , and Dato' approved him and authorized him to spread the Silat Seni Gayong in Australia.  That's why Silat Seni Gayong Australia is the only one international Gelanggang, which is still using the ancient logo of Silat Seni Gayong, and it will be 2 dragons forever! ;)

Cikgu Razak, in the other side, was a student of Pak Hussein Kaslan. Surprisingly, he was one of the best Silat Olahraga fighter who had represented Singapore many many years before becoming a trainer. I still remember some moment in 2009 where I wrote an entry of Silat Seni Gayong Australia in my blog. I found a short video of Gayong team performed the Bunga Tanjung in a wedding ceremony in Australia. The video was titled , if I'm not mistaken, the Gayong Anak Harimau. It was actually a performance from the Gelanggang Anak Harimau of Cikgu Razak when he was in Adelaide. Cikgu Razak had the authorization of opening Gayong in Australia from Pak Hussein Kaslan. Nowadays, Cikgu Sunny (6th Dan of Black Belt) and Cikgu Razak (5th Dan of Black Belt) are moving together to spread Silat Seni Gayong in Australia, as an affiliated international association with PSSGM (Malaysia Silat Seni Gayong Federation). Under a big help of handful Malaysian Gurulatih, Cikgu Khairul, I am sure the SSGA will be one of the leading Pencak Silat group in Australia. I'll make a prayer that someday, and somehow, it will be spread to the "Maori's Kingdom", the New Zealand! ;)

Alhamdulillah, our "Merantau" to Perth meant a lot to every one of us. I learned a lot form Cikgu Sunny, Cikgu Razak and Cikgu Khairul. And it goes the same thing with all of my student 'Srikandi' Suhana, 'Panglima' Azhari, 'Panglima' Afiq, 'Panglima' Hapismuddin and 'Panglima' Saufi. It was one of the most 'beautiful' moment  where the Silaturrahim is tighten, and I found a 'brother of oath', with the most special present. I'll keep it with me forever insyaAllah.

All of my apologize if this article comes out long after our journey in Perth. Hope to see you all in Phuket perhaps for the World Pencak Silat tournament? ;) InsyaAllah