TO LIVE AND TO SURVIVE ARE BOTH THE ART OF NATURE. To do or not to do. Already done or will not be done. Are not the things. We are capable to choose. We can do. We can change. We can fight. But the end. Will be only what the destiny reveals. A man always dreams. Beyond his own cage. Called as death. Hi's stepping forward. Enduring all the suffering and pain. Till the time ends. And last drop found. Until then, the journey must continue...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Dalam cerita, watak berperangai macam2 sebagai penambah perisa. Cerita akan hambar bila tiada suspennya. Cuma kadang2, kita tidak sedar watak kita itu watak yang jahat, keji, kejam, dan pemfitnah. Juga mungkin kita tak sedar yg watak kita itu pengubat, penguat, dan tulang belakang cerita. Tiada kita, tiada ceritanya.
Jarang2, duduk jadi penonton baru tahu cerita sebenar. Baru menghayati pengajaran sebenar. Atas pentas kita berlakon, di bawah itu reliti. Kerana itu, IBADAT itu merehatkan kita. Rehat sejenak untuk melihat "cerita" kita. Watak kita.
Geleng kepala, apabila watak baru, yg jahat, dalam cerita kita yang tidak malu, tidak tahu, dan tidak mahu merubah wataknya pada lebih baik. Dia suka berperwatakan begitu. Talam dua muka, melaga-lagakan sesama saudara, menikam belakang dan kipas orang atas pijak sahabat itu kepandaiannya. Kerana "Pentas" itu yg dikejarnya. Mujur kita berehat sejenak, sedar juga yg pentas itu bukan rumah kita. Akan tutup sekejap lagi.
Syukur juga watak-watak begitu dihantar sebagai penghias cerita kita. Cerita makin bagus. Kita dapat mengukur diri. Kita dapat pohon pada "Dalang", jangan sekali kali diberi watak buruk itu....
Dalang itu sangat baik (Maha Baik) dzatNya. Maha Adil. Satu masa, watak baik menang, watak jahat kalah. Tapi Dalang selalu beri pilihan, untuk melihat Iman Yakin kita. Mana yg kita mahu pilih:
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Bertikam Cara Orang Dulu-Dulu....

Cikgu Soffuan menunjukkan teknik keris. Cikgu Soffuan adalah salah seorang team olahraga Malaysia yang mewakili negara ke International Open of Paris tahun 2009. Ambo berkenalan dengan dia pun di sana.
Keris berhulu dan bersarung Gading gajah, kepunyaan seorang peserta kursus.
"alat-alat trening" (Golok tu xtermasuk hehehe)
Cikgu (Sir) Faiz dan Cikgu (Sir) Warid, bermain keris
Alhamdulillah, eventhough the time was short, we had finished our 2nd course of Keris at Bachok. I was informed by one of my Master, Cikgu Nasir about the course, where Pak Ngah Izahar was invited to supervise and to teach the way of traditional Keris techniques.
I was grateful to be invited as the participant and to learn in the different way under Pak Ngah Izahar. And I do hope to always have the chance of learning with the old master. Many of the Gayong Masters become old and cannot teach anymore. Everytime seeing an old master taught the young students, my heart will say for how long this will last? And what will happen then? Where am I going to learn the precious art?
Those questions haunt me everyday. And it is our duty to go and seek the knowledge. As long as I could manage my family, my work and my time, insyaAllah, I'll be at the Gelanggang to seek more from you oh Masters!!! ;)
(PHOTO) Majlis Perlimau dan Penyampaian Bengkung "Naga Rantau"
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Pak Husin Kaslan.........
This is one of the sad moment since I've been typing the entries in my blog. I still remember how it was hard for Pak Husin to speak to us. Most of the time, Cikgu (Abang) Rahim helped him to translate what he said to us...
It has been so many years I wanted to see Pak Husin Kaslan. But since I just come back to Malaysia at the end of last year, and quite busy with the life as a father and a lecturer, I didn't manage to come and pay him a visit. But last week, the feeling was so strong that I have to go to meet him... at least once. So when I went home at Pasir Puteh for my sister's wedding on thursday, I took that chance to make a passport for my little Aryan at Kota Bharu. We came back to Kuantan that night, and gathered at UMP to meet my Gayong students. So those who were ready with their passports came with me to our destination of Singapore, two cars for 7 persons. The route was not so easy for us. The fatigue, due to my long journey to Kelantan and come back for Singapore, and also the problem at the Singapore border and even getting saparated (without the possibility to contact each other in singapore) and getting lost. But the destiny was that we had the chance to arrive safely at Cikgu Rahim's house. Cikgu Rahim is the son of Pak Husin Kaslan.
It was a memorable moment to meet one of the legend of Silat Seni Gayong who was called as the Naga Bora. Pak Husin Kaslan forced himself to "welcome" us and it indeed a very spiritual element that makes me felt so peaceful and happy. We were welcomed by Cikgu Rahim's family and his students, and we spent the day by talking about Pak Husin, the late Dato', and even the art of Silat Seni Gayong in the point view of Gayong Pasak.
In the evening we visited a little bit the city with the guide of Dr. Shaiful (Cikgu Rahim's Student), and we went back to Johore before continuing our journey back to Kuantan. After coming back from Singapore, my little Aryan was crying and crying, and in some moment I thought there was "something" following us from any Segamat jungle or what. But after I receive the sad news about Pak Husin, I understand now that it was a sign. A sign of saparation with someone who I wanted to meet since very long time and finally had that precious time to meet him once. It was exactly 3 days after visiting Pak Husin.
I envy those who had the chance to be with him earlier and even to be trained under him. But this is the Qada' and Qadar. This is the destiny that we cannot change. Langkah Rezeki Pertemuan Maut.....
As a representative of A.F.S.S.G (Silat Seni Gayong France), and a representative of Gelanggang Naga Rantau of Universiti Malaysia Pahang, I wish you Cikgu Rahim and family, of my sincere condolence of Allahyarham Cikgu (Pak) Husin Kaslan. I hope that the lost, will only make our Gayong bond stronger, for a united Gayong brotherhood. Gayong Bergayut, Kata Bersahut.