Barisan Juri & Pengadil : Mr Syakir DD, Mr Nabil Peka5, Ambo, Mr Afiq FKP, Mr Nabil Taekwondo. Another Juri & Pengadil are: Mr Fahmi KK5 and Mr Ustaz Shahrul PIMPIN
Alhamdulillah thanks to Allah for giving us the chance of organizing this superb event of King Of Fighter 2.0. Last year, in KOF1.0, we welcomed about 86 fighters without the limiting regulation. But this year, as to improve the level of the game, we had successfully improve the level of the Event Management, the Referee and Judges Board, and the Athlete Technique by conducting more than five mini-workshops for every crew. This year, we welcomed about 60 fighters who had been tested to have certain minimum requirement before competing in this event.
Among the Champions of KOF2.0
The Most Dedicated KOF Crew in planet
Initially, two categories were planned: Open and Close. Close was for UMP students only and especially for the beginners in this sport. Open is meant for the UMP fighters who had the experiences in the KOF1.0 and will fight with the outsiders from the higher education institution. The Majlis Tertinggi KOF then decided to make it one category only for 2.0 which is "open" for everyone.
First participation from ICAM: 1 Gold and 1 Bronze.
Miss Beauty (forgot her name!), Bronze Fighter Amieredza, Cikgu Akmal, Ambo, Cikgu Anwar, Gold Fighter Afiq.
Crowds: students, staffs and outsiders
Nite of Champion Opening Demonstration by "Gelanggang Naga Rantau"
Pengarah Program Sdr. Hadi, Penasihat Program En. Ghadafi, Penaung KOF, ICAM representatif En. Hisham
Board of "Pengadilan"
Tempur Seni Keris
Seni Bunga Tanjung. Tak Lapuk Dek Hujan, Tak Lekang Dek Panas
Parang Gila UMP: Pentas Parang 3 by Sdr Luqman and Sdr Mus
The KOF game is based on MMA and UFC format system. But seems it is organized for the University students, some strict regulation is modified so that it is legal and safe to be conducted in University. The rules of King Of Fighter is made by the "Majlis Pengadilan KOF" and approved by the "Majlis Tertinggi KOF". The simple rule is that no strikes to the forbidden place as the head and the groin (penalties) . No marks and no penalties to the place outside the allowed target. In the allowed target, one point for the Punch/Elbow strikes/Knee strikes, two points for the Kicks, three points for the throwing/projection/*guntingan/*sapuan/ or any techniques that make the opponent fall down. The grappling and locking is allowed and if the opponent "Tap Out" then the winner will be declared. If not, the winner will be chosen by calculating the points, or the one who has less penalties, or the one who has more technique. If not, the third round will be requested. One round is for 2 minutes, rest for 30 seconds, and continued with another 2 minutes for the second round.
This event were more merrier with the participation from the fighters of ICAM (International College of Automotive Malaysia).
This year, 6 classes is opened:
Class A (50.05kg-55.00kg)
Class B (55.05kg-60.00kg)
Class C (60.05kg-65.00kg)
Class D (65.05kg-70.00kg)
Class E (70.05kg-75.00kg)
Class F (75.05kg and above)
1st Place : Gold Medal, Cash RM200, Hamper of value RM60, Certificate
2nd Place: Silver Medal, Cash RM150, Hamper of value RM40, Ceritificate
3rd Place: Bronze Medal, Cash RM100, Hamper of value RM35, Certificate
Overall Winner Title "The King Of Fighter 2.0": The King Of Fighter 2.0 Black Belt with 2 Red Stripes representing the second event of this game.
Overall Winner Title "The King Of Fighter 2.0": The King Of Fighter 2.0 Black Belt with 2 Red Stripes representing the second event of this game.
Gold Medal Class A : Fighter Afiq
Gold Medal Class B: Fighter Maniyarasan
Gold Medal Class C: Fighter Khairul
Gold Medal Class D: Fighter Maus

Gold Medal Class E: Fighter Sani
Gold Medal Class F: Fighter Rashdan
The tradition of hitting the winner with KOF TITLE BELT
The King Of Fighter 2.0: Fighter "Maus"
This event was blessed with the fighters from all of various martial art background. The most for common fighter types came from Silat, Karate, Tae Kwon Do and Muay Thai. But surprisingly this event we had the fighters from the Kung Fu, Kick Boxing, Jet Kune Do and even Capoeira. And of course, we had the fighters who came from no martial art background but had guts to come and fight, especially the Rugby team members who mastered very well the technique to tackle the opponent down!
The Result form the KOF Facebook Group Updates,
with fighter names and his main martial art background:
with fighter names and his main martial art background:
Kategori A:
Johan: Afiq syakir (ICAM) Muay Thai
N. johan: Norhisamudin Silat
Ketiga: Syed jamaludin
Kategori B:
Johan: Maniyarasan Karate,
N. Johan: Akmal arifin Silat
Ketiga: Amieredza (ICAM)
Kategori C
Johan: Khairul anwar Tae Kwon Do
N. johan: Amirul hanafi Karate
Ketiga: Suhaimi
Kategori D
Johan: Firdaus osman Silat
N. johan: Hafizudin basri Tae Kwon Do
Ketiga: Yusoff
Kategori E
Johan: Sani Non-Identified Martial Art
N. johan: Ammar Tae Kwon Do
Ketiga: Hafizuddin
Kategori F
Johan: Rashdan Silat
N. johan: Syafiq Rugby
Ketiga: Amin faudzi
As the Founder (ehem! I have to say it guys! lol) of KOF, I am very satisfied from the level of the athletes had shown form this year's event. Most of the fighters now started to get familiarize with the format of this game especially the ground technique, the projection/throwing, the ground£, the locking and anti-locking technique and of course the kicking-punching-kneeing. Last year, we witnessed 3 types common locking techniques used by the fighters, but this year the numbers of the locking techniques increases to at least 10 types. It is included the various chokes, triangles, banana splits, twister, omniplata, anaconda, kimura and even the trial of flying triangle!

Silver Medal Class B :Fighter Akmal Tongkat Langit
Silver Medal Class C: Fighter Amirul Afro
Silver Medal Class D: Fighter Hafizudin Jujurface
Silver medal Class E, Fighter Ammar El Presidente
Silver Medal for 2 years consecutively; Fighter Syafiq The Kereta Kebal
This year's event had shown that many students have talents in the mixed martial arts. And I won't stop here. We have a very good team now in KK5 and a greater and better game will be organized next year. Everyone must come for the next event KING OF FIGHTER 3.0. There will be great possibility that a "CAGE" will be used in the 3.0 event. And the prizes for the FIGHTERs also will be more in the value. For that purpose, I would be delightful if any organization, club, higher institution or anyone who is interested to be a future fighter, or a manager or coach for your organization, to contact me for any information for the next event. We will start to promote our new event all over Malaysia especially at the IPTA and IPTS (public or private higher institution).
Bronze Medal F; Fighter Amin MMA
My aim for this game is to celebrate the Fighting spirit among the teenagers and fight with honor and respect. This is all what the game is about. Salam Pahlawan. Salam Fighter!
Bronze Medal B : Fighter Amieredza KLGangster
Bronze Medal C : Pok Su Muay Thai
Bronze Medal D, Fighter Yusoff Al-Maunah
Bronze Medal E; Fighter Hafizudin Drunken Master
Pengarah Program, Sdr Hadi adalah ex-fighter semasa KOF1.0.
3 & 4 class A
Benjunior, King Of Fighter musim lalu, KOF1.0 turut hadir memberi semangat pada Fighter-Fighter musim ini,