TO LIVE AND TO SURVIVE ARE BOTH THE ART OF NATURE. To do or not to do. Already done or will not be done. Are not the things. We are capable to choose. We can do. We can change. We can fight. But the end. Will be only what the destiny reveals. A man always dreams. Beyond his own cage. Called as death. Hi's stepping forward. Enduring all the suffering and pain. Till the time ends. And last drop found. Until then, the journey must continue...
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Ramadhan Mubarak

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Ambo ingin mengambil peluang untuk mengucapkan selamat menyambut kedatangan bulan mulia Ramadhan, dan semoga bulan puasa ini menjadi bulan yang terbaik dalam hidup kita. Ambo ingin juga mengambil peluang untuk memohon maaf di atas kesilapan dan kesalahan sama ada tidak sengaja atau disengajakan kepada sahabat-sahabat, terutama saudara saudari seGayong. Ambo bukanlah umat sebaik Abu Bakar, setegas Umar, sepemurah Uthman, atau sezuhud Ali, ambo hanyalah umat akhir zaman yang mana akan melenting bila dicucuk, marah bila ditikam, melawan bila dihina, membenci bila difitnah. Tetapi harapnya, kedatangan Ramadhan ini akan menjadi masa terbaik untuk memperbetulan iman yakin kepada Ilahi. Mohon maaf sekali lagi bagi sahabat-sahabat ambo yang disebabkan kerana Gayong kita bermusuh. Ambo pun kalau boleh, nak tumpukan segala komitmen dalam mengembangkan seni ini dengan cara ambo sendiri. Demo buat cara demo. Ambo buat cara ambo. Ambo berserah kepada Nya segala urusan ambo dan keluarga ambo.
Siapa Gayong, Aku Gayong, Kau Gayong. Salam Ramadhan Mubarak. Hayyakumullah.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tempur Bebas, or "sparring", is one of a requirement during a grading of Silat Seni Gayong. During a White Belt grading normally one Pesilat must fight against 2 oppenents. In Green belt, one versus 3 opponents, in Reb belt one versus 4 opponents and in Yellow belt, one versus 4 with every each of them holding different basic weapons of Gayong like Knife, Stick, Machete, Keris and Spear. For the grading of Black Belt, one Pesilat must face 5 black belts opponents, with different and various type of weapons like the chain, sword, javelin, axe, kerambit etc. The Tempur Bebas is NOT a Pentas. Pentas is a choreography, a planned fight. Tempur Bebas is a free-fight.
warming up
Eventhough it is only a Tempur Bebas grading with a "referee", but the fight during the grading was intense. I did receive a nice knife strike directly on my left forehead during my Black Belt grading in 2008, and I realized it only after finishing the grading one hour later, and after putting out my Tanjak with blood. Funnily, after the grading (grading was done in the morning), my family and I went to my fiancee's family's house for the "engagement" ceremony. Everyone was laughing at my bruise at my forehead while wearing the "traditional engagement suits". My Ma only said "Budok buas baso dio doh!" (a hyperactive boy deserves that!)
I have included the free-sparring training inside the syllabus of Silat Seni Gayong everywhere I teach. Differently with Silat Olahraga, there are less rules in Tempur Bebas of Silat Seni Gayong.As far as I was told, we are not allowed to intentionally attack the eyes and the private part. It is a physical and mental training, as we train the strength and the endurance. The tactics also is important, but the mind is far more important. When I had a chat with the old masters, I am always proud to hear their achievement in Gayong. Especially their hard training in the time of Dato' made them strong and fit even until they are old.
For this reason I try my best to revive the Tempur Bebas during our training at UMP. At Kelantan, I had seen one place that really makes the Tempur Bebas as their weekly (or even daily) training. It was at Kg Wakaf Zin, the Gelanggang of Cikgu Nasir. During the sparring, there were no distinction between Cikgu, Gurulatih, Jurulatih or new students. In Tempur Bebas, no more "how many Dans on your belt". I like the Cikgu's quotation : "Jangan kejarkan Dan, tapi kita 'badi Dan' (mendahului)".
I am suggesting that every each Gurulatih do the Tempur Bebas in their Gelanggang. And the lesson won't be in maximum if the Gurulatih himself come to class, tell to all of his students to do the Sparring, but himself sitting in the chair, and just observing his students without doing anything. Gurulatih must be the first who is fit to do the sparring. But of course, those who are still in 30's and below can do this regularly. But i've seen certain Gayong Masters who are in 40's and 50's, still can free-fight and unbeatable by the young fighters. I am personally have a huge respect to those Masters who still keep in form and ready in any moments. HORMAAAAAT!!!!! :)
Alhamdulillah, last night was our first training of Tempur Bebas. But since we are inside the university, the safety rules must be respected. So body protectors, hand and leg guards, and head protectors were used. InsyaAllah , ONCE per week, we'll have Tempur Bebas class. Many thanks to my brother Cikgu Zaki Ahmad, who assist me always for the development of Silat Seni Gayong at UMP and for his wide commitments to provide a complete training equipments and tools for NAGA RANTAU. Hopefully, those who are interested to join us, please don't hesitate to pass by and pay us a visit. Your presence, comments, critics and supports are much appriciated! ;) JOM MAKAN DURIAN. ;)
Pak Jab di HKB
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The steps movements in the Serangan Maut
When I was really young, I had a chance to learn Silat kampung at my village. The first thing we learned was the Langkah Sembah (The step of respecting the audience). The second thing was the most basic step in Silat, Langkah Tiga (The triangle step) and Langkah Empat (The square step). It is after years of training that I was taught the Langkah Lima (The 5th Step).
But contrary in Silat Seni Gayong, we start with Tumbuk Pintal Tali, Pancung Dayung, Tumbuk Bertapak, Tendang Sula, Tendang Tolak Lintang and Tendang Tebar Jala. We continue with the first 10 steps of tiger cub and then Asas Elakan (Elak Kosong). So where is that term of "Tapak Gayong"??? If it is a "Tapak", then why don't we learn as in the Kampung silat, commencing with the Tapak Tiga and Tapak Empat?

The step movements in Pukulan Maut
This is because, the learning of Tapak in Silat Seni Gayong is included in the actions of doing those techniques. But we were not told directly by the Master "this is Tapak 3, this is Tapak 4", but rather let we try and error until we reach the perfection.

The Step movement in Kunci Mati
Training and playing Silat is beautiful and efficient when we do it in Tapak. We can fight or playing the "Pentas" without Tapak but the results is clearly different. The movements using a systematic Tapak is more stable, sturdy, difficult to fall, and yet easy to react into any fast moves.
In Gayong, at the beginning after the basic Gerakan and Elakan, we are taught the Pukulan Maut (Deadly Strike) and Serangan Maut (Deadly Attack : Kombat). As we can see from the movement chart I made above, we can see the combination of both Tapak Tiga and Tapak Empat. And in other technique, Tapak 5 is used. So it is important to explain to the students about the form of steps to be followed. If the steps is false, and we start to "adapt" with that error, it will be super hard to correct it in the future. So it's better to spend more time on the steps (Tapak), without rushing to finish the technique itself. Once the Tapak is good, then the rest will come. Once the foundation is stable, then the wall, the roof, and everything will be perfect. Hope that this sharing will improve our pedagogy quality in transferring the art and the science to our students. InsyaAllah ;)
In Gayong, at the beginning after the basic Gerakan and Elakan, we are taught the Pukulan Maut (Deadly Strike) and Serangan Maut (Deadly Attack : Kombat). As we can see from the movement chart I made above, we can see the combination of both Tapak Tiga and Tapak Empat. And in other technique, Tapak 5 is used. So it is important to explain to the students about the form of steps to be followed. If the steps is false, and we start to "adapt" with that error, it will be super hard to correct it in the future. So it's better to spend more time on the steps (Tapak), without rushing to finish the technique itself. Once the Tapak is good, then the rest will come. Once the foundation is stable, then the wall, the roof, and everything will be perfect. Hope that this sharing will improve our pedagogy quality in transferring the art and the science to our students. InsyaAllah ;)
I am Anak Gayong!!!! (with the "tiger" Garfield brooch lol)

Dan't play-play with me haaaa, I am a baby still but I learn from my Daddy how to play the Tekpi!!! ZATTT!!! ;)
Introducing my son, Aaisy Aryan bin Shaiful Hakim. 3 months old. Alhamdoulillah he's in good health and ready to join me in the Gelanggang. So "Gayong kaki rapat! GAYONG! Gayong SEDIA!!!!!" ;)) Both parents are Kelantanese, but he is born in Kuantan. xpa xpa, xda Tok Janggut, Mat Kilau and Tok Gajah ada. Hehhehehe.
Monday, July 18, 2011
PSSGM 14-17 Julai 2011
Assalamualaikum wbt,
alhamdulillah. syukur ambo baru abes kursus OSH di NIOSH Bangi, pastu sambung plak kursus pegawai teknikal wasit dan juri di Sungai Congkak. Alhamdulillah, berpeluang juga menimba ilmu dari Cikgu Rasul dan Cikgu Faid, juga Cikgu Zakri dan Cikgu Yek. Tak lupa juga pada Pak Din sebagai urussetia. Pendapat ambo, kursus Wasit dan Juri ni bukan sahaja perlu bagi mereka yang berminat untuk berkhidmat menjadi Wasit dan Juri dalam pertandingan, tetapi juga bagi Gurulatih2 yang menjadi "Coach" bagi anak2 didik mereka. Kalau tak tahu undang2 pertandingan, macam mana nak dapat point, macam mana jadi kurang point, susah jugak nak melatih betul2 punye. So kursus ni juga ambo berpeluang meng"comel"kan lagi jurus tunggal dan jurus wajib. Alhamdulillah abes kursus tiga hari, jurus2 tunggal 100 pergerakan dan jurus wajib 99 pergerakan dah dalam ingatan, buat bekalan untuk mengajar secara confident atlit2 seni....
terima kasih buat sahabat2 peserta seramai 21 orang yang cool dan sangat terbuka. hanya sewaktu kursus menimba ilmu semacam ini baru dapat mengeratkan hubungan silaturrahim kita. insyaAllah semoga ilmu yg ditimba sepanjang kelas teori dan praktikal akan sentiasa menjadi pegangan sepanjang menjadi wasit dan juri yang berkaliber dan professional di masa hadapan.
Serius tetap serius. lawak tetap lawak. bermacam karenah dan situasi terjadi sepanjang praktikal wasit dan juri. tetapi ingatkah apa yang dilakonkan boleh terjadi dalam situasi sebenar. berkat asuhan, didikan, "buah betik buah mempelam" dari Guru2 PSSGM yang merupakan Wasit dan Juri bertaraf Kelas 1, Kelas 2 dan Kelas 3 Antarabangsa dari PERSILAT, peserta kursus melangkah keluar dari Rimba Ria Sg. Congkak dengan keyakinan dan mulut yang tak henti2 menjerit "Ti"!!!! Tak lupa juga segala aspek kehidupan sudah dihiasi dengan aba-aba yang melampaui batas. hehehehe.
Akhir kata, ambo ucapkan "Selamat Dipanggil Untuk Berkhidmat" untuk para sahabat dan diri ambo sendiri. ambil ilmu ini sebagai amanah dan ibadah. bantulah agar keadilan dicapai dalam pertandingan. "MULAI!!!!!!!!"
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Pisau: Mari Mengkaji....
Seni Pisau adalah satu pelajaran Silat Seni Gayong yang termasuk dalam Seni Keris. Walaupun dari segi permainannya ada perbezaan dengan keris, tetapi sifat umum nya adalah hampir sama, iaitu senjata pendek dan tajam. Apabila bercakap tentang pelajaran ini, rata2 Gurulatih bercakap tentang Buah Pisau dan Pentas Pisau. Rata2 bercakap berkenaan Silibus. Rata2 mencari Silibus.
Silibus perlu dicari. Kerana itu adalah "modal" mengajar bagi setiap Gurulatih. Silibus mungkin berlainan bagi setiap negeri atau Guru, tetapi kalau ia genuine (iaitu tidak baru dicipta sebulan dua tetapi sudah ada di zaman arwah Dato', Pak Andak, Arwah Cikgu Mat Lazim, arwah Cikgu Razali, arwah Cikgu Siti dan lain-lain) maka mungkin tak jauh perbezaannya. Tetapi seperti pelajaran2 lain dalam silibus SSG, ia masih perlu dilatih untuk dimahirkan. Gurulatih adalah seorang yang berpengetahuan, mahir dalam melakukan teknik, dan bagus dalam pedagogi nya (cara penyampaian ilmu). Tanpa latihan yang cukup, silibus hanya menjadi satu pelajaran yang hanya dihafal dan tidak boleh digunakan sama sekali dalam pertempuran sebenar. Oleh itu adalah menjadi satu kemestian bagi setiap Gurulatih untuk melatih diri sendiri lebih banyak dari melatih muridnya.
Ambo pernah mendengar kisah seorang Master martial art (luar negara) yang tewas kepada seorang remaja gettho yang mahir bermain pisau kupu-kupu (pisau filipina). Ini berlaku kerana pelajaran yang diajar di dalam gelanggang hanya teori semata-mata dan tidak menyeluruh. Ambo juga pernah mendengar kisah seorang pemegang tali pinggang merah SSG yang menumpaskan dua orang lelaki berbadan besar yang bersenjatakan pisau, walaupun dari segi umurnya masih setahun jagung.
Dalam silibus, setiap Gurulatih MESTI faham dan tahu yang mana asas (ibu) dan yang mana applikasi (anak). Petua2 perlu diamalkan. "Bermain" pisau juga tidak lari dari kecederaan, kerana situasi sebenar Reflek perlu dilatih, genggaman perlu dimahirkan dan "MENGENAL" (membaca gerak) perlu diketahui.... Pendek kata, segala ilmu pertempuran (sparring) perlu setiap dari kita mahirkan.
Ambo bukan bermaksud untuk mengatakan ambo pandai ke apa, tetapi sekadar berkongsi pandangan dan cerita. Sebagai Gurulatih, adalah perlu mengkaji satu persatu teknik dalam silibus yang kita ada agar ia sesuai digunakan dalam keadaan sebenar. Kadang2, bukan maksud Guru2 tua yang menyusun silibus itu untuk menipu kita, tetapi kerana takut "Seni","Ilmu","Petua" itu jatuh ke tangan yang tidak baik. Kerana itu bagi yang mengkaji, akan sedar tentang 'efficiency' satu2 kaedah. Bergantung kepada kita untuk mencari dengan berguru dengan orang2 lama, dan dengan 'bermain' dengan anak2 buah di Gelanggang....
Selagi Ada Gerak, Selagi Itu Ada Gayong
Bertahun dok hapal silibus Pisau... alih-alih masa sparring kita pakai elakan pisau jer...... ;)
walhal, itulah asasnya.. ELAKAN.
Latihan Tempur Tanpa Senjata (Modul Pisau) di UMP
Meeting The Pengukir Cahaya
My last sejour at Cameron Highland was a wonderful one. It was an internal training provided by the UMP for it staffs, to give a chance for the staffs to learn from the professional about the photography. Our teacher was "imported" from Canon Marketing, Mr. Zalani Md Atan, or comfortably called as Mr. Zack.
Surprisingly, after introducing ourselves, he told me that he had learned Silat Seni Gayong in the year 1982 to 1986 at the Malaysia Royal Airforce camp of Labuan. His teacher was Cikgu Mat TUDM, and Mr. Zack stopped the activities after getting his Red Belt. He works now at Canon, and professionally involves in the photography....
Mana-mana jumpa orang Gayong daaa..... hehehehehehehhe
The Art of Malay Kites
These photos I snapped around a Bazar at the MPK field, about 3-4 months ago.
Looking at this old man's art, I found myself submerged in the beauty of the flora and fauna of his imagination. It was so beautiful and meaningful, and every of them communicated with me. Farther more I walked in, the brighter and more colorful the skies and the forest became. I found my late grandfather there. I found me.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Freezing The Precious Moments...
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