Tuesday, November 12, 2013

KURSUS PARANG (persediaan kenaikan Bengkung Pelangi Merah Chula 2)

Jurulatih-Jurulatih @Gelanggang Naga Rantau 

Alhamdulillah syukur thanks to Allah. Just before the student had their mid-term break, the Red belt holders (most of them) had undergone the intensive course of Seni Parang. Seni Parang is taught earlier to the Anak Gayong in Gelanggang Naga Rantau but the intensive course for the Chula upgrading will be reserved only for the red belt holder. In Gelanggang Naga Rantau, I make the same system that I use in Gayong France recently which slightly different with the Kelantan syllabus when I used to apply in the beginning. As for the Anak Gayong in Naga Rantau most of them had 'touched' all of the weapons since we are all accustomed for the regular invitation for the demo. And the students in university are not static, and they come and leave regularly. 

In our system, the Red belt is specifically for the Pisau (knife) technique, other than the barehand technique. From Senaman, Gerakan, Golongan, Serangan, Elakan, Kuncian, Pecahan, and Pentas students have many things to learn for their level. It is included Kombat Pisau and Kunci Pisau (21 version and 25 version) .And then, for the first Chula (Dan), we concentrate on Simbat (Stick). The same system applies where the Senaman, Gerakan, Golongan, Serangan & Elakan, Kuncian and Pentas. This time there are 3 size of sticks technique taught: Simbat (normal size: foot to nombril), Tembung (long stick: foot to head) and Simbat Suk (tip of finger to elbow). And at the same time, the double knife technique taught for this level of 1st Chula. 

In the second Chula, the weapon that we concentrate is the Parang (machete). Many of student jumps learning the machete into the more advance and spectacular technique without doing the basic basic basic requirement: Tetak and Tangkis. But I had that chance of learning in a very traditional way. I was given one machete in each of my hand, and I had to clear the bushes by the house of my Master. I had those pains performing that task with took me from morning to the sunset. Parang is absolutely not the same technique as Golok (small machete), nor the Pedang (sword) nor the Sundang Lipas (heavy sword) as it use a lot is swing technique of the hole arm and lots of burden in the palm. Nowadays most of Gayong demo would use the Brazilian Tramontina machete which is lighter and easier to "produce" the sparkles during the clashes, compared with the traditional Parang Panjang (long machete) of Klewang which is dark in color, heavier and more difficult to stop the momentum, longer, but of course better for the real better than the Tramontina. However, some changes is OK as long as we still keep using both of them.

 In the machete technique, as far as I learned, it has the most Pentas in the syllabus compared with others. Pentas 1, Pentas 2, Pentas 3, Pentas 4 and Pentas 5. Pentas 1 is the technique choreography of bare hand versus one Parang. Pentas 2 is one Parang versus one Parang. Pentas 3 is 2 Parangs versus 1 Parang. Pentas 4 is 2 Parangs versus 2 Parangs. Pentas 5 is the popular Pentas of Parang versus Rantai (the chain). In the other level, the Pentas Parang VS Tombak (spears) and Pentas Parang VS Tekpi (sai/trident) are practised.

For all of the Jurulatih at Gelanggang Naga Rantau who had participated in this course, get prepared as the grading will be around december during the school break. InsyaAllah. Hope that everyone will get the benefit from this short-course. Amin....

*for Benjamin and Gayong France, gimme some time to upload the video for the syllabus. I had a tough time for the conversion with my old computer! ;)
credits to Abdul Aziz KK5

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt, Salam Sejahtera. Bengkel Memanah Tradisional (Sunnah) akan diadakan di UMP Pekan anjuran Kolej kediaman Pelajar 5 (KK5). Ambo mengambil peluang ini ingin buka penyertaan pada sahabat-sahabat/cikgu-cikgu sekelian kot-kot ada yang berminat. Yuran penyertaan untuk peserta-peserta luar (bukan pelajar UMP atau bukan staff UMP) adalah RM70 sekepala. (fix price dari penceramah). Peralatan disediakan. Tempat untuk penyertaan luar sangat limited, maksimum 10 orang sahaja lagi untuk penuhkan tempat.

Pelajaran Memanah sunnah akan diisi dengan pengajian sejarah dan rukun memanah, dan insyaAllah beserta dengan amalan-amalan dan Doa-Doa Nabi SAW, para Sahabat r.ahum dan salafussolihin selepas mereka dalam Seni Memanah. Siri Pertama akan merangkumi teori dan praktikal untuk Ground Archery dan Combat Archery. Yang mana mahir siri pertama insyaAllah akan diadakan kursus asas menunggang kuda di UMP Pekan (dalam perlaksanaan). Siri Kedua Memanah Sunnah akan diadakan selepas peserta-peserta boleh menunggang kuda untuk pelajaran Horseback Archery. InsyaAllah semoga ilmu ini terus berkembang di dada pendekar-srikandi Muslim yg ada insyaAllah.

Bengkel ini berlangsung selama 2 hari, dengan 4 sesi. Setiap sesi hanya mempunyai maksimum 20 orang peserta sahaja untuk memudahkan sesi pengajaran dan pemelajaran. Tuan puan boleh pilih mana-mana sesi (Pagi Sabtu, Petang Sabtu, Pagi Ahad atau Petang Ahad). makan minum dan sijil penyertaan akan disediakan. Bagi tuan/puan, saudara saudari dan cikgu cikgi sekelian yang berminat boleh terus hubungi ambo untuk book tempat. HP: 013-tigaempatkosong-4321. Tempat yg boleh buka untuk penyertaan luar hanya 10 sahaja lagi semasa entry blog ini ambo publish. Harap maklum.

***Untuk penyertaan pelajar-pelajar UMP, minta maaf banyak-banyak. Dah penuh kesemuanya iaitu seramai 80 orang. Yang ni pelajar hanya cuma bayar RM15 kerana selebihnya dibiayai menggunakan bajet kolej kediaman untuk aktiviti pelajar. InsyaAllah nantikan siri-siri seterusnya yg akan dianjurkan. Sabar ye! ;)***

Berikut adalah gambar-gambar yang saya ambil dari page FB "Sunnah Memanah". Minta izin tuan "Sunnah Memanah" dan tuan "Bow & Arrow" untuk gambar2 ini. Semoga gambar-gambar ini menjadi inspirasi terutama pada anak-anak Gayong untuk mengambil seni kepunyaan kita ini. InsyaAllah..
Credits to FB Page "Memanah Sunnah"
 Credits to FB Page "Memanah Sunnah"
 Credits to FB Page "Memanah Sunnah"
 Credits to FB Page "Memanah Sunnah"
 Credits to FB Page "Memanah Sunnah"
 Credits to FB Page "Memanah Sunnah"
 Credits to FB page "Bow & Arrow"
Credits to FB Page "Bow & Arrow"


For third times already I'm witnessing the Gayong seniors, my students in Gelanggang, especially those Jurulatihs/Guurlatihs who had done a great job in helping me propagating Silat Seni Gayong in UMP and the surroundings, graduating and leaving us again and again. Eventhough it's hard and sad but it's what we have been preparing until now. I know that someday those students will leave the Gelanggang, with the juniors, the beginners to be trained and to be 'formed' again like the elders. But when they arrive at the point of having their Gayong skills at a satisfactory level, or even good, or even passed their  Red belt of Chula 1, Chula 2, Chula 3 and even Yellow belt, it's already 4 years and they have to move on in a new chapter of life. My wish is that everyone of them won't forget what they had learned, and be a man that makes good thing to others. If you can, don't stop learning Gayong, and try to open your own Gelanggang. It is not an easy life to have a professional life, being a husband/father and at the same time to maintain one or two Gelanggangs. What I have been doing and teaching you all in Gelanggang Naga Rantau is that; I'm not teaching you to be a follower or a below-than-average-level Anak Gayong. I train you to be a great teacher one day. As what my Master and Masters did to me is they believe and trust me with the precious lesson of Gayong, and made me of what I am. What I've learned had been taught to you all as a guidance to be a Gayong teacher in the future insyaAllah. Gayong is our's and don't let those who don't know the real Gayong "life" to lead our federation in the future! It is on us those who could be a professional and Anak Gayong at the same time that will take that responsibility to be the LEADERS in Gayong. Ingat..... Ga Alif Ya Waw Nga... 

Congratulation to : Achoi, Su, Epol, Izzati, Hanifan, Bad, Mino, Tok Adi, dan Ten Ten... and not to forget those who I didnt see on that marvelous day. Selamat Bergraduasi!!!! ;)

Our last training at our Naga Gambang Gelanggang. Blok W

Friday, October 18, 2013

Penubuhan Kelab Dikir Barat KK5 : "Seri Juwita Inderapura"

Team "Seri Juwita Inderapura" VS Team "Warisan Seri Pujangga"

After months of planning, we had successfully organized a "Dikir Barat Workshop" for the KK5 students (UMP Pekan) and also for the students from UMP Gambang. About 80 students, from gambang and Pekan participated the workshop which had been conducted by 2 outside instructors, Mr. Zainudin bin Mohamad a.k.a Pok Lat and one of his best student in Dikir Barat, Cikgu Saiful. Cikgu Saiful is also surprisingly the Silat advisor for our Gelanggang Angkat at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Gambang. One whole day workshop, with the aid of the expert senior students had helped a lot the newcomers to learn faster. There were 4 parts, which including the training for the Tok Jora (singer), Tukang Karut (spontaneous 'rapper'),  Awok- Awok (those who clap hands and sing the chorus parts), and lastly the Muzik (Rebano, Gong, Marakas, Canang etc). This Dikir team of KK5 Pekan is named as "Seri Juwita Inderapura" as the Gambang team was known with the name of "Warisan Seri Pujangga". Thank you to all of the AJK Dikir Barat, Pn Fiza the Pekan Unit Budaya of JHEPA, Fikri Gani a senior student of Gambang who helped me a lot for realizing this, and also to Pok Lat and Cikgu Saiful for that awesome workshop. Hope to see you two in our next workshop insyaAllah. ;) 

Me, Pok Lat and Cikgu Saiful

 Rahmat, chief Dikir Barat Pekan

Kejuaran Seni Beladiri Silat Seni Gayong Peringkat Negeri Kelantan

Team Naga Rantau 

On the last 28th September, our team Naga Rantau had participated in the "Kejuaraan Seni Beladiri Silat Seni Gayong" organized by the PSSGM Kelantan. Since I am Kelantanese, I grew up in Kelantan , learned my first step in Gayong in Kelantan, and most of my Masters are Kelantanese, so I had that honor of "presenting" my students to all my Masters and Gayong friends. It is always a good attitude to bring your students to pay a visit to your Master. And this event was not only participated by the Gayong Malaysia (PSSGM), but also the Pusaka Gayung (PSSPGM), the Gayong Warisan (PSSGWSM), the Gayong Serantau (PSGSM) and Gayong 3 Kalimah (the late Pak Jab's family) had participated in this tournament. In one word, it was a place where we met everyone Anak Gayong in Kelantan, with no boundaries among us. In Silat, the tradition is much more kept and sometime, the old crisis were "inherited" years from the master to his students and continues until neverending period. Sometime, the clash of a simple thing like how to hold a Kunci 17 technique, or pukulan 7-real-steps could make a great distances among us. The thing is we had forgot that 'Pandang dari yg Satu pada yang banyak, dan dari yang banyak pada yang Satu' ("To look from one to many, and from many to one") is the real truth that one must seek. With this truth, no difference could create the boundaries between us. It is the time, for my point of view that all of the Gayong family could gather no matters the colors of dragons we wear. I can only wish. Strive and Wait for the destiny to reveal. 

Thank you for the organizer, especially to Tok Ayah Lah, YDP PSSGM Kelantan, Cikgu Him Chairman of the tournament, Dato' Ir Shaari for the support, Che Mohd Hanif secretary and all of the committee of the tournament. Thank you for letting us departing to UMP with 3 Gold and 9 Silver. ;) Congratulation to the winners and don't be sad for those who didn't get any medal. It was just not our time yet. ;)

Solo Lelaki: Gold
Solo Perempuan: Silver
Tempur Tangan Kosong Lelaki: None
Tempur Tangan Kosong Perempuan: Gold
Kunci Mati Lelaki: Silver
Kunci Mati Perempuan: Silver
Pentas Keris Lelaki: None
Pentas Keris Perempuan: Silver