Ok, ready for a French lesson!
Read the sign (') as A'in in Arabic.
Basic Silat terms:
Tumbuk= coup de poing : ku de poa'
Tendang= coup de pied: ku de pi-ey
Siku= coup de coude: ku de kud
Lutut= coup de genoux: ku de jhenu
Pancung dayung= tranchant: tro-sho'
Tangkis sisi= blocage: blokaj
Cakar=griffe: grif
Cucuk mata= picquer les yeux: pikey ley zi-e
Kunci= les clefs: ley kley
Buka Gelanggang= Ouverture: uvekh-chukh
Tutup Gelanggang=Fermeture: fekhmey-chukh
a la prochaine...! ;)
glelok lidoh ambo :)
ReplyDeletetapi kalu keno klate pekak, lagi glelok lidoh tu! hehehehehe
ReplyDeleteWhere is the following???