TO LIVE AND TO SURVIVE ARE BOTH THE ART OF NATURE. To do or not to do. Already done or will not be done. Are not the things. We are capable to choose. We can do. We can change. We can fight. But the end. Will be only what the destiny reveals. A man always dreams. Beyond his own cage. Called as death. Hi's stepping forward. Enduring all the suffering and pain. Till the time ends. And last drop found. Until then, the journey must continue...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
al-kisah Tari Sembah Gayong
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Silat Seni Gayong adalah seni tempur yang tidak bertari. Ia bukan seperti Silat Kelantan yang punya langkah sembah, langkah tiga langkah empat dan juga bertapang. Ia adalah silat tempur dan perang. Asal namanya Silat Seni Sendi Harimau. Ilmu koyak-mengoyak musuh, bagai harimau membaham mangsa.
Tapi persoalannya, kenapa adanya Tari Bunga Tanjung? Kenapa wujudnya Tari Bunga Teratai? Dari tari kita namakan Jurus, dari jurus kita namakan Gerakan. Coretan kali ini bukanlah hasil firasat dan pemikiran ambo. Tapi cerita ini diceritakan oleh Pak Ngah Izahar di Batu Kurau. Beliau juga membawa ambo dan sahabat-sahabat "menitih" dan mendengar sendiri cerita berkenaan kedua tari ini...
Al-kisahnya bermula di waktu Dato' sudah menetap di Singapura. Di Perak pada waktu itu dianjurkan oleh pihak Istana satu pertandingan Tari Sembah. Satu Guru tua dari silat kampung menang dalam pertandingan itu. Tarinya bernama Bunga Teratai dan Bunga Tanjung. Berita ini disiarkan di dalam surat khabar, dan sampai pada Dato' Mahaguru....
Di waktu itu, Guru tua itu yang bernama Pak Lang Joned, masih mengajar macam biasa di gelanggangnya. Adanya di gelanggang itu antaranya ialah anak muda bernama Izahar, dan anak guru tua itu sendiri bernama Junuh (ambo rasa mungkin Yunus. Sekarang ambo panggil Pak Junuh). Tanah di Batu Kurau itu masih belum berturap. Tiba satu kereta, penuh dengan lumpur tanah berwarna merah. Maka ketika itulah anak muda Izahar ini melihat pertama kalinya susuk tubuh seorang Mahaguru. Mahaguru dari Silat Seni Gayong yang terkenal di seantero Malaya waktu itu.
Meor Rahman diperkenalkan dirinya. Salamnya disambut mesra oleh guru tua Pak Lang Joned itu. Mereka bertitih nasab keturunan, dan bertemu punca, sedarah sedaging juga kedua-duanya. Mahaguru Meor Rahman menyampaikan hajatnya, "meminang" Tari sembah Teratai Tanjung untuk perguruannya. Maka di situlah mulanya bertapak Gayong di tanah serimbun.
Bunga Teratai dan Bunga Tanjung ditatang ke Singapura. Dijaga rapi, diperelok. Diperhalusi oleh Mahaguru dan diperturunkan pada murid-murid kanannya. Ada sebab kenapa Meor Rahman memilih sembah ini. Itu haknya, yang hanya tinggal sedikit guru tua sahaja yang mengetahui sebabnya. Dari situ lahirlah Bunga Teratai dan Tanjung di Singapura. Dari Singapura, kecantikan dan keharuman kedua bunga ini menjadi igauan dan bualan. Dibawanya ke serata Malaya. Ke Kedah ia tiba, ke Selangor ia pergi, dan ke Perak ia kembali. Dari negeri-negeri ini, ia tersebar ke serata tanahair. Termasuklah ke negeri hamba tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga Cik Siti Wan Kembang.
Ada rahsia dalam tari ini. Ada jurus tersusun, yang tersurat dan yang tersirat. Gerakannya adab Melayu. Mulanya tauhid ilAllah, menyuci diri mencari Haq. Jangan lupa cerita Hang Tuah, pandainya melangkaui zamannya. Geraknya penuh isi, nafasnya penuh zikir.
Kami dibawa bertemu Pak Junuh, ayahandanya Pak Lang Joned sudah lama kemali ke rahmatullah. Beliau sendiri sudah terbaring di katil. Tapi kedatangan kami disambut dengan gembira, digagahkan segala urat sendi untuk berbual dengan kami. Diceritakan jua pengalamannya pertama kali bertemu Mahaguru.
Ada pun, Bunga Teratai dan Bunga Tanjung banyak versinya di zaman ini. Itu tidak salah. Ambillah, pelajarilah. Kerana semua nya dari Mahaguru. Ceduklah sebanyak-banyaknya rahsianya dan amal dan mahirkanlah. Cuma kadang-kadang, elok juga mencari pokok asalnya. Boleh diperbandingkan dengan hak diri. Yang kurang kita tambahkan, yang cacat kita perelokkan...
versi Pak Hussin betul, versi Cikgu Majid betul, versi arwah Cikgu Ahmad Lazim betul, versi arwah Cikgu Siti betul, versi arwah Cikgu Razali pun betul. tepuk dada tanya selera. ambo suka makan semua.... ;)
yang silap dan salah maklumat itu kerana kelemahan ambo. mohon maaf dan ampun. apo yang baik datang dari Allah, yang buruk datang dari nafsu ambo sendiri...
Salam Sembah Teratai dan Tanjung,
...ambo hok masih belaja...
...ambo hok masih belaja...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sundang Lipas is the Bugis weapon. It is almost similar with the Moslem sword of Khulafa ar-rasyidin and the Christian medieval sword. The technic of course is different from the one blade sword (Pedang) or machete (Parang). For that reason, after couple of months preparation, PSSGM Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur had organised a Sundang Lipas course under the teaching of Master (Cikgu) Sani Morni, the chairman of the Gurulatih committee PSSGM W.P KL and the Khalifah Besar of PSSGM Selangor.
"Having the trust to your sword", "you and your sword is one", "feeling the swing and the steel" are among the key words that were told to us by Master Sani Morni. But seems the lesson of Sundang Lipas is the highest in the Gayong syllabus, the training was done in a building to keep it's secrecy and genuinity.
After testing our blade on the "bio-enemies", we were then given lot of advices and tips. Petua, Doa, Mentera and material preparation were taught to us, to get ready for any bad situation.
The closing ceremony were attended by the Khalifah Besar Cikgu Ibrahim, Khalifah Besar Cikgu Zainal Ishak, Khalifah Besar Cikgu Ezhar Abbas, Khalifah Besar Cikgu S.I Kamal, Cikgu Anuar Hamid and Khalifah Besar Cikgu Rais. Cikgu Omar Abdillah and Cikgu Zaharah Harom, both of them from Perlis were also attended.
Thank you Cikgu Sani Morni, minta halal segala ilmu. Thank you to all of the committee of PSSGM WPKL for the nice moment...

The PSGSM (Serantau Kelantan) was organizing a Gurulatih course last few weeks at Machang, Kelantan. Master Amin Hamzah accepted to teach the young Gurulatihs from different Gayong federations (gayong malaysia, pusaka gayong and gayong serantau) during 3 days and 3 nights. This Gurulatih course was the 8th series. What interesting about the system applied by the Serantau Kelantan with Master Amin Hamzah is that the course is sistematic and the lessons selected are all the high level weapons and bare hands technics (Senjata peringkat tinggi) in Silat Seni Gayong.
The Kerambit lesson was continued from the last course. Tangkapan, Serangan, Jurus, Kuncian and the Pentas. Two new lesson that we discovered were the Sabit (Sickle like weapon/Kama/Celurit) and another weapon that I called it as Tombak Halus (spear blade fix to a handle). We were taught the Jurus/Gerakan and the countre-attack of the weapons. The Sabit technic I found quite different from Celurit, as the swing angle is different due to the blade form. That weapon is really cool dude! ;)
At the final day, we were ordered to "wet" ourselves at the Bukit Bakar waterfall to learn and to train the Cindai Basah ("wet" cindai). The ending ceremony was done by the Master himself with the Malay traditional deserts and Doa, giving us the energy to allow us go back home after one whole morning in the cold water with the empty stomach.
At night, the Mandi Seni ceremony was taken place to welcome young students and the senior Gurulatih who wish to take it....again...
I would like to thank Ayahanda Amin Hamzah, Cikgu Azizan, Ustaz Halim, and brothers for the invitation. May Allah gives us more the Ilmu, Amal and Iman... Amin! ;)
Hey kitty kitty kitty!!!!
dari atas kanan ikut jam:
Joix (papa), Tokin, Hensem, Tam-Tam, T-J, Te' (maman) dan Yatim
Malaysia ini negara yang majoritinya orang Islam. Agama rasmi pun Islam. Negara kita diberkati dengan para Alim dan Ulama'. Semua perkara ada hukumnya. Dari sebesar-besar amalan seperti Jihad hinggalah pada melangkah kaki ke dalam Masjid ada peraturannya. Tapi sedarkah kita, dalam masa kita beribadat mungkin ada sesuatu perbuatan yang kecil di mata kita yang mana jika kita buat, sempurna lah iman kita...?
Mungkin masa tujuh tahun di bumi orang banyak mengubah minda ku. Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiri.. Maka aku pulang ke tanah air membawa gulungan ijazah, ilmu dan pengalaman. Semasa aku melangkah ke Pasar Besar Pasir Puteh, gugur air mata ku melihat kucing-kucing yang terbiar. Ada yang berkurap sepenuh badan. Ada yang buta sebelah atau kedua matanya. Ada yang tempang. Ada yang terbaring, tidak bermaya menanti sesuap makanan. Ada yang mati sambil menyusukan anak-anak. Malah ada yang mati kerana tiada ibu nak menyusu.
Tidak dihirau. Mereka semua adalah kucing yang asalnya dari rumah. Tetapi disebabkan "masalah" moral kucing-kucing tu, sudah pasti satu cara tuan rumah untuk menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan cepat ialah membuangnya ke pasar. Ibarat hukuman penjara sampai mati. Buang negeri, buang daerah. Dibiarkan berkulat seorang diri... tapi manusia lupa, kucing juga makhluk Tuhan. Kucing juga tahu dirinya disayangi atau dibenci. Kucing juga tahu dirinya dihargai atau tidak berharga..
Kedua anak kucing ini kami jumpa ditinggalkan di tepi kedai ipar kami di Gopeng. Satu dah jatuh dalam longkang. Umur mungkin tidak sampai seminggu lagi. Manusia yang tak punya hati sahaja sanggup buat kerja terkutuk macam ni. Anak kucing menyusu lagi dah buang. Kami bawak balik ke Kelantan. Yang cerah sikit tu Leon si Yatim. Yang gelap sket tu Joned si Piatu.
Malam itu aku ke Pasar Malam Wakaf Che Yeh pula. Sedang berjalan-jalan mencari tudung untuk isteriku, kami berhenti rehat di satu bangku. Anak kucing terbaring semacam mati. Ku belek-belek, rupanya sudah nyawa-nyawa ikan..... ku hulurkan fish ball, anak kucing itu menggagahkan dirinya untuk menjamah makanan. Harap ku dia akan bangkit. Tapi belum sempat fishball itu dikunyah habis, dia juga mati di pangkuan ku...
Esok pula aku menghantar ayahanda ku ke HUSM. Sambil-sambil ku terus ke Pasar Siti Khatijah. Aduuuhhh..... keadaan kucing-kucing terbiar cukup menyayatkan hati bagi yang punya perikemanusiaan. Aku hairan, bagaimana manusia sanggup menyepak kucing yang datang meminta makanan. Mengganggu kaki nya barangkali kerana itu hadiah paling baik ialah tapak kasut. Manusia ini tak punya hati dan perasaan. Tidak takutkah dia, Allah kelak melayannya sebagaimana dia melayan makhluk Allah yang lain???
Bagaimana pula sewaktu aku melawat seorang sahabat? Tengah kami makan roti canai, datang seekor kucing. Badannya menggelupas, kesan minyak panas. Apakah ia satu kemalangan atau disengajakan??? Kalau ia disengajakan, besar sangatkah dosa seekor kucing yang lapar datang mencuri ikan di meja? Mengajar itu perlu, tapi mendera itu haram.....
Dulu, aku marah dan tentang bilamana keadaan kucing di Perancis dimandulkan. Ini bertentangan dengan tabi'i! Tetapi sekarang aku faham kebaikannya. Bilangan kucing dan anjing di negara-negara maju terkawal dan kebanyakan haiwan peliharaan di jaga rapi malah berdaftar.
Mungkin masa tujuh tahun di bumi orang banyak mengubah minda ku. Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiri.. Maka aku pulang ke tanah air membawa gulungan ijazah, ilmu dan pengalaman. Semasa aku melangkah ke Pasar Besar Pasir Puteh, gugur air mata ku melihat kucing-kucing yang terbiar. Ada yang berkurap sepenuh badan. Ada yang buta sebelah atau kedua matanya. Ada yang tempang. Ada yang terbaring, tidak bermaya menanti sesuap makanan. Ada yang mati sambil menyusukan anak-anak. Malah ada yang mati kerana tiada ibu nak menyusu.
Tidak dihirau. Mereka semua adalah kucing yang asalnya dari rumah. Tetapi disebabkan "masalah" moral kucing-kucing tu, sudah pasti satu cara tuan rumah untuk menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan cepat ialah membuangnya ke pasar. Ibarat hukuman penjara sampai mati. Buang negeri, buang daerah. Dibiarkan berkulat seorang diri... tapi manusia lupa, kucing juga makhluk Tuhan. Kucing juga tahu dirinya disayangi atau dibenci. Kucing juga tahu dirinya dihargai atau tidak berharga..
Tak sampai seminggu seekor mati, tinggal seekor lagi hidup sampai sekarang. Susu kucing dah bagi, try bagi makanan. Tapi mungkin masih tak cukup... haii Piatu...dah ajal.
Malam itu aku ke Pasar Malam Wakaf Che Yeh pula. Sedang berjalan-jalan mencari tudung untuk isteriku, kami berhenti rehat di satu bangku. Anak kucing terbaring semacam mati. Ku belek-belek, rupanya sudah nyawa-nyawa ikan..... ku hulurkan fish ball, anak kucing itu menggagahkan dirinya untuk menjamah makanan. Harap ku dia akan bangkit. Tapi belum sempat fishball itu dikunyah habis, dia juga mati di pangkuan ku...
Esok pula aku menghantar ayahanda ku ke HUSM. Sambil-sambil ku terus ke Pasar Siti Khatijah. Aduuuhhh..... keadaan kucing-kucing terbiar cukup menyayatkan hati bagi yang punya perikemanusiaan. Aku hairan, bagaimana manusia sanggup menyepak kucing yang datang meminta makanan. Mengganggu kaki nya barangkali kerana itu hadiah paling baik ialah tapak kasut. Manusia ini tak punya hati dan perasaan. Tidak takutkah dia, Allah kelak melayannya sebagaimana dia melayan makhluk Allah yang lain???
Bagaimana pula sewaktu aku melawat seorang sahabat? Tengah kami makan roti canai, datang seekor kucing. Badannya menggelupas, kesan minyak panas. Apakah ia satu kemalangan atau disengajakan??? Kalau ia disengajakan, besar sangatkah dosa seekor kucing yang lapar datang mencuri ikan di meja? Mengajar itu perlu, tapi mendera itu haram.....
Dulu, aku marah dan tentang bilamana keadaan kucing di Perancis dimandulkan. Ini bertentangan dengan tabi'i! Tetapi sekarang aku faham kebaikannya. Bilangan kucing dan anjing di negara-negara maju terkawal dan kebanyakan haiwan peliharaan di jaga rapi malah berdaftar.
p/s: maaf nooo.... hati tengah sedih dok teringat kucing-kucing jalanan..... bukan tak mahu timbulkan isu buang bayi, itu lagi terkutuk wanau'zubillah. tapi buang kucing pun boleh dianggap buruk juga perangai tu... huhuhuhuuhu
Ustaz Khalid : The armlock specialist
Ustaz Khalid is one of the senior Gurulatih that had the chance to live and to learn with the late Mahaguru. He was among the youngest at that time and he is still teaching Gayong until now. Being one of the talented Gurulatih, he is one of the specialist of the armlock in Gayong. But one thing is sure, when he talks with us about Dato', he would do it carefully, trying to avoid from being looked by us as a Master that was close with the late Mahaguru. A sign of modesty.
Ustaz Khalid cannot be saparated from Pak Ngah Izahar and Cikgu Sazali. They have a solid team and the students were really close. Their sacrifice to develop Gayong at the land of Dato' Mahaguru is undeniable and they indeed had successful in "producing" the best Gayong atlit ever. One of Pak Ngah and Ustaz Khalid's student, Cikgu Soffuane is one of the top National Silat Olahraga atlit.
The Red with Black ends belt is the official Gurulatih belt at that time.
The good thing about learning with him, a part from the mastery of the Gayong technic, students can refer to him when dealing with the certain Kebatinan practice in Gayong. His knowledge in Gayong and in religion could help the students to be sure of what they are practising.
He told us a funny story. Since he could jump higher and farther when he was young during the "Menghambur" training, the late Mahaguru called him as Kumbang Hitam, (Black Panther). The Mahaguru said that"Your skin is dark and you can jump, so that name suits you very much!". Ustaz Khalid didn't want to be called as Kumbang Hitam by his Gayong friends, as they teased him about his dark skin! But how could he do when the late Dato' didn't stop calling him like that! lol
The photo was made the main photo in one article inside the Reader's Digest magazine.
Thank you very much Ustaz for everthing. Minta halal segala ilmu.... ;)
National Gurulatih Course 2010
I should have wrote about the course since Novembre, but I was so occupied to write about it eventhough many of my Gayong brothers and sisters who didn't attend dying to know about it. The course was held on 21 Nov until 26 Nov 2009. I am not sure the exact numbre of participant but when I registered, I was the 83th participant. I am sure the numbre surpass 100 of Gurulatihs all over the country.
The place was new for me. I took a bus from Kelantan to Seremban. Then I took another bus from Seremban to Port Dickson, and a taxi from the Port Dickson bus station to the Bougainville Resort at the Teluk Kemang beach. A warm and nice welcome from Kak Nor, the wife of Cikgu Kahar. When I arrived, the participants had done one morning training.
The purpose of this course is to assemble all young and senior Gurulatihs all over Malaysia and to train. The objectife was to officialize the syllabus, which is known to be almost impossible with different Masters and schools of Gayong in the country. But the main lesson as the Elakan, Kombat a.k.a Serangan Maut, Kunci Maut, Pentas Kunci Hidup, and the Anak Harimau movement were presented from the representatives from the different states, and were discussed, checked, double checked, and finally chosen to be the national syllabus to be applied officially.
Personally I found that the course was perfect. The resort, the food, the beach and the swimming pool was relaxing after a long-tough-day training. During the course, all of the young Gurulatih had the chance to see how the Masters showed their skills. The president, Dato' Adi Wijaya himself "went to the field" (Turun Padang) to correct every participant during the training. Cikgu Kahar also was one of the technic director, while Cikgu Mustafa Kamal was the "guardian" of the Adat.
The participants also had the chance to learn the Keris technic from Cikgu Nordin, one of the most senior student of the late Dato' Meor at Singapore. He showed the basic, the locks and the Pentas. Indeed, I could see the different from this "old-school" way of Keris than what we practice nowadays. Superb....!!! ;)
One view that we wouldn't miss was the seniors Gurulatihs were also taking the chance to amused themselves by training and revising the syllabus. The syllabus is important, so do to master and to make it automatic in our reflects.
I would like to thank to all of the masters, and all of friends that I met during that course. To my "roommate" and my partner Cikgu Khairi many thanks for sharing the bed.... ehem ehem! lol My neighbour, Cikgu Jamal, many thanks also for the Gayong logo collection. I am really sorry that I couldn't say goodbye to everyone as I caught a serious fever on the last day of the course. And of course, I was assigned to accompany two "jolie mademoiselles" from France with Cikgu Shah and Cikgu Shahrin. Seems both of these Cikgus are so handful, we had few minutes of French lesson! ;) Coucou Joanna et Sophie! Oubliez pas nous ici! Je pense Noel en Australie n'est pas parreil comme l'Europe!!! ;)
I was told that PSSGM would like to organize next Gurulatih course for International participants. So I think the AFSSG, USGF, Gayong UK, SSGI, Gayong Espana, Gayong Syria and Gayong Tunisia could prepare from now seems the date will be around July. Hope all of the International Anak Gayong could assemble in One Gayong!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Living Like A Kelantanese
Praise to Allah, I have just recovered from heavy fever. It has been some time that I didn't update my facebook and my blog or even check my emails. Same routine, same responsibility. since being at my village, I become totally a Melayu. First task for me was to solve the house problems of plumbings and roof. The house's age is my age and many parts have became used, like me! lol After repairing the stuff, we got another problem of water. The water was smelly and we found a dead hen inside the well . So we had to suck up the water with the farm pump until the bottom and let the fresh water fills it up.
It's "Tengkujuh" time (raining season) nowadays, and the clothes take more time to get dry. Everyday it's raining cats and dogs. During the season you would prefer being in the house, drinking a cup of tea with Hupseng's biscuits while watching movie. 10 years before, during this season I will absolutely take the chance of diving, swimming, playing and rowing in a Sampan in front of our house and all around the flooding village. We have two Sampan. One big maroon Sampan for family, and one small blue Sampan for the children to play with. It was a gift by our Granpa to my big brother. That small Sampan is called "Seludang Mayang". But now since the big river of Pasir Puteh was deepened, no more flood in the district, or almost. And our Sampan remains only as a decoration....
Well, during this cold season, I was handling another problem. My family has few cows. But we are not looking after it ourselves but doing a "Pawah" with someone. Pawah is a system which exists since the old days. It is an agreement between the owner and the farmer. When an owner's cow gives the first birth, the calf will be the farmer's property. The second calf from the second birth will be the owner's. And that how it does for every birth repeatedly.
But the problem rises when every time our turn as the owner to "own" the calf, the farmer says it's dead or lost without track. We even cannot see the body. Maybe the calf was attacked by the tiger, that's what he wanted to make me believe. After years of "dealing" with that farmer, not even one cent we got a benefit. For him, two times already he got big benefit after selling two cows from us. This is not fair. And me, being a french graduated engineering student, volunteer myself to settle the problem. Huh!
That man is a "samseng". A muay thai boxer. Just a week before he beat a man up. That poor man intentionally released the farmer's cow which was tied inside his house area and that cow was eating the plants and flowers. The farmer, furious after finding that his cow was not there and was running away, beat the man in front of his own house, blaming him for causing him searching the cow. That story did fill my stomach with much of butterflies!
I think he is crazy. If not,he must be someone who is not so educated and could do anything stupid to satisfy his needs. My mother in law has many times went asking him to give back the cow, but he never comes. But what he doesn't realize is that, this time he is dealing with me! lol (ecececceceeh, raso Gedebe, tapi kecut perut jugok hehehehhe)
After a "hot" one-to-one and man-to-man discussion, he let me to take the cow and the calf. But he really made it difficult. He delivered the cow safely in front of the house but said to me to take myself the calf in the hill. It was few kilometers from the house, in the "hill" of palm oil farm. The calf was tied to a tree, and the bush was so wet and thick. It was raining heavily. The leeches were so many, and were in many sizes that one could imagine. They were thanking the God for the fresh and sweet blood feast they were having. When I approached the calf, it reacted so aggressively and broke the rope. Another difficult task for me and my father in law to "pitah" (catch) the calf! After 3 days with various tricks and strategies, the calf is brought to her mother and are ready to fly, eh nope, to move to another better place to get cared for. What I understand is that was a trick by that bloody farmer to make us give up for the calf so he would get it "gratuit-ly" (for free). Another score "A" for me for this task!
I got few more days here in Kampung. New task is to "Kutip Sewa Rumah" (asking for the rent) of our rent houses that are not paid for several of months. One more thing is claiming back a lost motorcycle from a Cina man, the seller. He cheated us in the insurance-claim thing of the motorcycle. He promised to settle the problem after 2 times I went there to discuss with him. But after a month, nothing happens. The third time will be an "educational session" for him. I'm going to need some "steels".... lol ;p
Well this post is nothing to do with Silat or whatever, it's just to say hi to everyone after a long silence. Living in Kampung as a "Chomage" has lot of works as well! Many bad people misuse the trust that we give. A deal must be respected eventhough it's made with a poor, old,weak and blind man. Give their right as we got our's. God is watching us. Many things I learn just only few months in Kampung. Learning to live. To live as a Kelantanese. Berani kerana benar.
God willing, I'll post about our activities since couple of months. I got so many things to share with, lots of stories and photos, but still need a laptop and a broadband. This post was done with my elder sister's Maxis broadband and my younger sister's Toshiba laptop. Hoping they are staying longer here in Kampung.... ;)
Miss you all. ZATTTT!!!! ;)
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