The PSGSM (Serantau Kelantan) was organizing a Gurulatih course last few weeks at Machang, Kelantan. Master Amin Hamzah accepted to teach the young Gurulatihs from different Gayong federations (gayong malaysia, pusaka gayong and gayong serantau) during 3 days and 3 nights. This Gurulatih course was the 8th series. What interesting about the system applied by the Serantau Kelantan with Master Amin Hamzah is that the course is sistematic and the lessons selected are all the high level weapons and bare hands technics (Senjata peringkat tinggi) in Silat Seni Gayong.
The Kerambit lesson was continued from the last course. Tangkapan, Serangan, Jurus, Kuncian and the Pentas. Two new lesson that we discovered were the Sabit (Sickle like weapon/Kama/Celurit) and another weapon that I called it as Tombak Halus (spear blade fix to a handle). We were taught the Jurus/Gerakan and the countre-attack of the weapons. The Sabit technic I found quite different from Celurit, as the swing angle is different due to the blade form. That weapon is really cool dude! ;)
At the final day, we were ordered to "wet" ourselves at the Bukit Bakar waterfall to learn and to train the Cindai Basah ("wet" cindai). The ending ceremony was done by the Master himself with the Malay traditional deserts and Doa, giving us the energy to allow us go back home after one whole morning in the cold water with the empty stomach.
At night, the Mandi Seni ceremony was taken place to welcome young students and the senior Gurulatih who wish to take it....again...
I would like to thank Ayahanda Amin Hamzah, Cikgu Azizan, Ustaz Halim, and brothers for the invitation. May Allah gives us more the Ilmu, Amal and Iman... Amin! ;)
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