I should have wrote about the course since Novembre, but I was so occupied to write about it eventhough many of my Gayong brothers and sisters who didn't attend dying to know about it. The course was held on 21 Nov until 26 Nov 2009. I am not sure the exact numbre of participant but when I registered, I was the 83th participant. I am sure the numbre surpass 100 of Gurulatihs all over the country.
The place was new for me. I took a bus from Kelantan to Seremban. Then I took another bus from Seremban to Port Dickson, and a taxi from the Port Dickson bus station to the Bougainville Resort at the Teluk Kemang beach. A warm and nice welcome from Kak Nor, the wife of Cikgu Kahar. When I arrived, the participants had done one morning training.
The purpose of this course is to assemble all young and senior Gurulatihs all over Malaysia and to train. The objectife was to officialize the syllabus, which is known to be almost impossible with different Masters and schools of Gayong in the country. But the main lesson as the Elakan, Kombat a.k.a Serangan Maut, Kunci Maut, Pentas Kunci Hidup, and the Anak Harimau movement were presented from the representatives from the different states, and were discussed, checked, double checked, and finally chosen to be the national syllabus to be applied officially.
Personally I found that the course was perfect. The resort, the food, the beach and the swimming pool was relaxing after a long-tough-day training. During the course, all of the young Gurulatih had the chance to see how the Masters showed their skills. The president, Dato' Adi Wijaya himself "went to the field" (Turun Padang) to correct every participant during the training. Cikgu Kahar also was one of the technic director, while Cikgu Mustafa Kamal was the "guardian" of the Adat.
The participants also had the chance to learn the Keris technic from Cikgu Nordin, one of the most senior student of the late Dato' Meor at Singapore. He showed the basic, the locks and the Pentas. Indeed, I could see the different from this "old-school" way of Keris than what we practice nowadays. Superb....!!! ;)
One view that we wouldn't miss was the seniors Gurulatihs were also taking the chance to amused themselves by training and revising the syllabus. The syllabus is important, so do to master and to make it automatic in our reflects.
I would like to thank to all of the masters, and all of friends that I met during that course. To my "roommate" and my partner Cikgu Khairi many thanks for sharing the bed.... ehem ehem! lol My neighbour, Cikgu Jamal, many thanks also for the Gayong logo collection. I am really sorry that I couldn't say goodbye to everyone as I caught a serious fever on the last day of the course. And of course, I was assigned to accompany two "jolie mademoiselles" from France with Cikgu Shah and Cikgu Shahrin. Seems both of these Cikgus are so handful, we had few minutes of French lesson! ;) Coucou Joanna et Sophie! Oubliez pas nous ici! Je pense Noel en Australie n'est pas parreil comme l'Europe!!! ;)
I was told that PSSGM would like to organize next Gurulatih course for International participants. So I think the AFSSG, USGF, Gayong UK, SSGI, Gayong Espana, Gayong Syria and Gayong Tunisia could prepare from now seems the date will be around July. Hope all of the International Anak Gayong could assemble in One Gayong!
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