One of the most practical weapon is the knife. It can be found almost everywhere and can be brought easily inside the clothes. It is small, almost invisible if hided rightly, and could be used to drive the slashing and stabbing attacks. That's why the knife is the fighter's favorite. Silat Seni Gayong is not a typical Silat system where the self-defense techniques are taught at the first place. To be a good blade "defender", we must be a good blade "attacker".
This concept perhaps exist in certain modern or traditional blade martial arts, like eskrima, arnis, krav maga, or kapap. That's why the knife training must be practical, and almost-like the real situation, whether in the street where we have the space a large as we need, or the room-like situation where the movement is limited.
Ok, for that purpose, Gayong Naga Rantau (Universiti Malaysia Pahang Gayong Association) organize the short course of "Knife Fighter". It is the 9 hours course, starts from last night training (3 hours) . The 2nd course will be on next Tuesday night, and the 3rd course will be on the next Thursday night. The course is conducted in two parts:
(1) The syllabus part (traditional Senaman, Gerakan, Asas Elakan, Asas Serangan, Kombat Pisau and Kunci Pisau).
(2) The practical part (different possible attacks angle : attacking, avoiding, approaching, applying the techniques, free sparring and street combat)
I had been personally in the knife threats when I was in France. So more and less, the experience of facing the attackers with blades does help me to understand the risks and the consequences during that critical situation. The target from this short course is that after 9 hours course, each student will be alert the possible outcomes of their action in dealing with the knives. The decision whether to surrender the belongings, or to fight to death, will be discussed at the end of the course.
Many thanks to all the participants of Knife Fighter Short Course last night!!! ;)
****photos! as usual, Naga Rantau group consist of the professional models. DSLR is always a must! lol. hehehe****
(musuh koma, terlentang koma terkejut)
hahah... klakar lak tgk pose dowg... hahah... like this banyak2 la... alaaa.... xde button like la pulak...
ReplyDeleteEka: hehehehehe. saya tau korang suka posing. ;) posing dibenarkan, tapi latihan mesti mau lasak!!!!
ReplyDeleteAbe Jan: timo kaseh abe jan... ni hasil ngaji pisau dan TTS dgn abe jan jugok ni. jazakumullahu khairan jaza'....! ;)