Last night, I sent a message to Cikgu Wan Fauzi, to pay him a visit. We agreed and

I arrived about 10 p.m, with my cousin. Dr Anuar was with him. We had a long conversation and even the Muzakarah on the National Syllabus. After that, he was treating us to a SUP KETIN UK restaurant, one of the best soup I'd ever tasted! ;)
He is not a "small" man in Gayong, but yet he is a modest and religious man. He is chosen to hold a Sandang of Harimau Singa Malaya, meaning that being the one to be trusted to arrange the Syllabus of Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia. This kind of Sandang, ONLY can be given not more than 7 persons in all over the country at the same moment. Son of Dato' Meor's Gayong representative in Terengganu, he started to learn Silat Seni Gayong at the early age at Terengganu, passing his green belt (and yellow if i'm not mistaken) at Kelantan under Tuan Haji Mansor Othman, and finally passing his 2nd Chula of black belt with Cikgu Majid Mat Isa at Gurun, Kedah and 6th Chula of Black Belt with Cikgu Siti Kalsom and Razali Salleh in 1993. His student life was full of activities, and his student room became the Gayong training centre in International Islamic University.
When Cikgu Siti Kalsom passed away, she left a letter, and filmed on video, as she feared that her wills will be opposed by the certain Gayong old leader who are not ready to accept Cikgu Wan Ahmad Fauzi. One of the Wasiat stated that Cikgu Wan Fauzi was selected to be her next supreme heir of Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia, and to be the one who will bring back Gayong into one. However, being a young man to receive such of honor and trust from Cikgu Siti Kalsom herself, he is always being a target of harassment and threat from the certain people. But when he was selected to hold a black belt seminars in the 90's, where there were only one or two Masters who had one Chula black belt in all of Selangor, it is sure that he is not a simple man. He has the knowledge. And he is titled as "Kuda Gila": the Crazy Horse, as his legs is much more faster than your punch. When he is in the middle of ring, and you are one of the opponents, it will be too late to realise that his kick arrive before you start to kick him.

He is the one who interviewed 30 to 40 gayong masters around malaysia to complete the sort of official Silat Seni Gayong books such as
"MAHAGURU" (the almost complete biography of Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman), the
"SELAYANG PANDANG" (the tradition rules and law) of the organization. He was also the Head Secretary for arranging the National Sylibus of Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia, after referring with Cikgu Siti Kalsom, Cikgu Razali Salleh, Cikgu Mat Lazim, Cikgu Majid Mat Isa, Cikgu Amin Hamzah, and the senior master such as Pak Ngah Izahar and others Gayong masters throughout of Malaysia.

Personally, I found him as a modest and kind man. He is a man of word, trustworthy, physically and spiritually well mannered man and he is a professional too.
Gayong was at his gold time during the Dato' Meor's time. After that, the Malaysia Dragon was losing it's fang and claws, sad to say. Hopefully, under Cikgu Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Gayong will be one step closer as the era of the late Mahaguru. As the late Mahaguru's dream that one day the Dragon will unite with his tail, circulating the world. And me, I do hope can see that this art will be known internationally and also that I'll be among the people who strive for that cause....
I'm calling now all of the Gayong practitioner, to stand still behind our new Waris Amanah Mutlak. In the Cikgu Siti Kalsom's letter, she said once, but still as clear as a pure water, that
the one who challenge my wills, is a traitor to Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman, as he is a traitor to my will as the heir of Silat Seni Gayong after the late Mahaguru.WAllahua'lam....only God knows best.
I'm going

back to kelantan tonight. Miss so much my family. I'm going to visit all of my masters Tuan Haji Mansor, Cikgu Suhaili, Cikgu Tuan Sanusi and Cikgu Tuan Rashid, Cikgu Nasir and Cikgu Muzairi, Dr Kamal, Ayah Jak Gong Kedak, Pak Ku Bukit Awang and hopefully to meet my previous master Pak Jab Kota Bharu. I heard he was sick last time.... I intend also to meet Haji Hamid, the one who previously was the Yang Dipertua Gayong Pasir Puteh.
Maybe there are conflicts between them, but they are all my masters. As a student, I must pay a visit to them, make them happy and proud of me, as it is indeed, their knowledge and blessing that make who am I now: a Gayong Panglima Pelangi Hitam of France and Ireland.....