Pengalaman pertama menjadi murid Gayong sudah pasti tidak akan dilupakan. Mandi Tapak dan Mandi Seni menjadi sebutan. Seminggu mendatang limau nipis, bunga dan jarum sudah masing-masing siapkan. Lilin sebagai penerang, keris adat sebagai tunjang. Begitu gembira sekali bila bersalam. Ditanya nama diri dan nama ibu si polan. Dihulur limau dan sintuk di tangan. Gementar juga menanti jawapan. Takut niat yang tak elok di hati dibaca Guru di depan. Tak tahu kenapa, jatuh ke tengah gelung sintuk jadinya hirisan. Dipeluk guru dengan senyuman. Merasa asam, garam, bertih, dan pisang. Beras kunyit direnjis-renjiskan. Dikunyah sirih gambir lalu diluahkan. Petanda persediaan ilmu yang dicurahkan. Benang pancaindera dipintalkan. Buat sisipan selendang pejuang. Kemenyan segenggam dibekalkan. Air limau penuh keberkatan. Akhir dapat sebungkus seorang. Air untuk dibawa dimandikan. Penutup adat dijunjung Al-Quran. Tangan saudara sama bersilang. Mengangkat ikrar taat setia berjuang. Dari detik bersama laungkan. Hingga nafas terakhir silaturrahim dikekalkan.
TO LIVE AND TO SURVIVE ARE BOTH THE ART OF NATURE. To do or not to do. Already done or will not be done. Are not the things. We are capable to choose. We can do. We can change. We can fight. But the end. Will be only what the destiny reveals. A man always dreams. Beyond his own cage. Called as death. Hi's stepping forward. Enduring all the suffering and pain. Till the time ends. And last drop found. Until then, the journey must continue...
Monday, January 30, 2012
Pengalaman pertama menjadi murid Gayong sudah pasti tidak akan dilupakan. Mandi Tapak dan Mandi Seni menjadi sebutan. Seminggu mendatang limau nipis, bunga dan jarum sudah masing-masing siapkan. Lilin sebagai penerang, keris adat sebagai tunjang. Begitu gembira sekali bila bersalam. Ditanya nama diri dan nama ibu si polan. Dihulur limau dan sintuk di tangan. Gementar juga menanti jawapan. Takut niat yang tak elok di hati dibaca Guru di depan. Tak tahu kenapa, jatuh ke tengah gelung sintuk jadinya hirisan. Dipeluk guru dengan senyuman. Merasa asam, garam, bertih, dan pisang. Beras kunyit direnjis-renjiskan. Dikunyah sirih gambir lalu diluahkan. Petanda persediaan ilmu yang dicurahkan. Benang pancaindera dipintalkan. Buat sisipan selendang pejuang. Kemenyan segenggam dibekalkan. Air limau penuh keberkatan. Akhir dapat sebungkus seorang. Air untuk dibawa dimandikan. Penutup adat dijunjung Al-Quran. Tangan saudara sama bersilang. Mengangkat ikrar taat setia berjuang. Dari detik bersama laungkan. Hingga nafas terakhir silaturrahim dikekalkan.
Asal Usul Gayong di Pasir Puteh...
Dalam bahasa kelantan, kita sebut "menitih", yakni mencari asal usul, keturunan dan salasilah. Ambo orang pasir puteh, sedikit sebanyak, macam orang2 di kampung dan daerah dalam kelantan, sudah pasti ada rasa "bangga" dengan keturunan kita. Masing2 ada sejarah dan keturunan yang boleh diceritakan. Cuma tak silap ambo, Imam Syafie rah. (kalau tak silap) pernah berkata "Bukanlah anak jantan kalau berbangga dengan harta ayahnya". (lebih kurang, sebab ambo dengar2 pon zaman sekolah menengah lagi). Tapi mencari asal usul keturunan itu tidak salah. Kali ini, kepulangan ambo ke kampung adalah mencari asal usul Silat Seni Gayong di daerah Pasir Puteh. Sejarah kedatangan Gayong ke Pasir Puteh ada diceritakan oleh temuramah Cikgu Onn Jadi dengan Cikgu Majid Mat Isa.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Grappling in Gayong
One of the question that anyone could ask is, do we need the "Kebatinan" in every Gayong technique? I met couple of Masters and asked them about the high-level Gayong techniques like Yoi, Cindai dan Belian. It exists indeed the "Kebatinan" in every each secret technique. "Ayat" for Cindai (to harden the clothes), for Yoi (speed/"walking on air") and for Belian (strength and fierce-looking). However, the more important is the physical skill, than the kebatinan. The skill of executing the cindai technique of "Pukat", for example, is very vital as the real battle happens only in milisecond.
The human strength also can be built up by physical training, and also the internal training. During the normal respiration, only certain amount of oxygen is used for the metabolisme process. To increase the efficiency of the process, specific method of respiration is practiced for every part of our body. That's why the Jurus of Bunga Teratai, Jurus Bunga Tanjung and other respiration moves were among the regular practice of the old Gayong folks.
In our search to satisfy our curiosity of the secrecy of Kebatinan in Gayong, the old Master always advice us. Never stop training. All of the lesson and syllabus is useless, if we are not skillful and master the art. However, as the Gurulatih, the research of Kebatinan also needed as one part of Gayong knowledge. To practice it is one different thing, but to know it in it's original form will complete our understanding in Silat Seni Gayong.....
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
11 Pengiring Naga Rantau...
The photo was taken when the first day I brought my wife and our new born to our house from the hospital. (Which has been almost a year now!) Most of these Panglima and SriKandi, nowadays, will be at the last semester here in Universiti Malaysia Pahang. (One of them has been working now). I hope that the time that we had spent together, and will spend for the next final semester will be the best time here in UMP. I do hope that they will be always the good and excellent engineers and Gurulatihs after graduating from UMP. Hope that what we share here in Naga Rantau will be useful for our lives. For my little Aryan, I am sure he will be proud to know that his coming was accompanied by eleven future Gayong Masters.... ;)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
8) Cikgu (Ustaz) Raduan
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Gelihati Membaca Kertas Jawapan

Monday, January 9, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Just To Share...
As one old Master said once to me. YOI is hidden in Gerakan, Elakan, and the movements of cub.. (Gerakan Anak Harimau)....
Back In Youtube!
It has been a while I didn't upload anything in my narapatinantaboga channel of youtube. The internet is too slow in UMP to be a good 'youtuber'. hehehhee. Hope I could be active back with my new broadband. ;) My first upload today has been successful. Our modest demo at Teluk Chempedak. (I had uploaded here in my blog but with smaller size) Enjoy the HD... ;)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Never forget "13th MAY 1969"

jangan di pecah rahsia hulu balang
nanti harimau hilang kuku
nanti harimau hilang asu
jikalau ada senjata di tangan
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tiger VS Dragon
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
I learned Tekpi with few Masters, in Silat Seni Gayong, and also in traditional village Silat. In Gayong, it was at Gelanggang Gong Serapat where I started to learn Tekpi. It was one of the "heritage" from Cikgu Awang Daud when he was in Pasir Puteh. After that, I learned Tekpi with my late Guru, Ayah Ku Misai Panjang, a Master of Silat Seni Tujuh Permainan (7 arts), who had passed away in 2009. He never named specificaly his Silat, but his Silat has 7 arts, included Tekpi and Ibu Tekpi; "Mother of Tekpi" (other version is Tok Mertua Tekpi ; "Father in law of Tekpi"). After that I took every chance to learn even one single move from various Masters like Cikgu Amin Hamzah, the late Pak Jab (Gayong 3 Kalimah), Ayah Jak Silat Lian, and even in the other martial arts, especially from Karate Okinawan style when I was in France.
Menyambung Tradisi di Gurun...
Last weekend I visited the training centre of Pusaka Gayung at Gurun, Kedah. I was informed by Mejar Fitri about the annual program of extensive course and grading at the end of the every year, which is also the birthday of Pak Andak (Cikgu) Majid Mat Isa. Sincerely, at first it was quite strange to be here among the person that I didn't know. But my intention is clear, as I want to know more about Gayong family in Pusaka Gayong, Cikgu Majid, Cikgu Awang and all other senior Gayong Masters in Kedah.
My arrival was welcomed by Mejar Fitri, and also Cikgu Jad. We had a chat before I was presented to the Gurulatihs and the masters during the course. Cikgu MatRock is one of the name I remember instantly. hehe. ;) The traning was so intense of every corner of the gelanggang. The pre-white group, the white group, the green group, the red, the yellow and even the black belt grading participants trained so well and non stop for the best result during the grading. I also had a chance to have a syllabus discussion with Cikgu Faiz, one of the "actor" of the latest Pusaka Gayong book, TETAK.
The time spent there was so meaningful for me and one of my student. I do feel that there is still the border between the Anak-anak gayong which makes us more and more saparated. I hold to the idea of we are One Gayong. One Mahaguru. One brotherhood. And this is the very first challenge of every Gayong practitioner in malaysia. I am sure that in France, or in oversea, this kind of problem is still not yet become critical. But if we don't do anything to change this, never that Gayong will be united.