Monday, January 30, 2012


Pengalaman pertama menjadi murid Gayong sudah pasti tidak akan dilupakan. Mandi Tapak dan Mandi Seni menjadi sebutan. Seminggu mendatang limau nipis, bunga dan jarum sudah masing-masing siapkan. Lilin sebagai penerang, keris adat sebagai tunjang. Begitu gembira sekali bila bersalam. Ditanya nama diri dan nama ibu si polan. Dihulur limau dan sintuk di tangan. Gementar juga menanti jawapan. Takut niat yang tak elok di hati dibaca Guru di depan. Tak tahu kenapa, jatuh ke tengah gelung sintuk jadinya hirisan. Dipeluk guru dengan senyuman. Merasa asam, garam, bertih, dan pisang. Beras kunyit direnjis-renjiskan. Dikunyah sirih gambir lalu diluahkan. Petanda persediaan ilmu yang dicurahkan. Benang pancaindera dipintalkan. Buat sisipan selendang pejuang. Kemenyan segenggam dibekalkan. Air limau penuh keberkatan. Akhir dapat sebungkus seorang. Air untuk dibawa dimandikan. Penutup adat dijunjung Al-Quran. Tangan saudara sama bersilang. Mengangkat ikrar taat setia berjuang. Dari detik bersama laungkan. Hingga nafas terakhir silaturrahim dikekalkan.

Segayong, Sekendi, Seperigi, Seminum, Sejalan, Sejadi, Sedarah, Sedaging, Sepadu yang bersembilan. Langkah, Rezeki, Pertemuan, Maut. Tanah, Air, Api, Angin. Merahnya mawar. Putihnya Kemboja. Kuningnya kenanga. Birunya Seri Pagi. Sucinya Melati. Tenangnya Seroja. Harumnya Tanjung. Cantiknya Teratai.

Asal Usul Gayong di Pasir Puteh...

Ayah Mat

Ayah Zi

Dalam bahasa kelantan, kita sebut "menitih", yakni mencari asal usul, keturunan dan salasilah. Ambo orang pasir puteh, sedikit sebanyak, macam orang2 di kampung dan daerah dalam kelantan, sudah pasti ada rasa "bangga" dengan keturunan kita. Masing2 ada sejarah dan keturunan yang boleh diceritakan. Cuma tak silap ambo, Imam Syafie rah. (kalau tak silap) pernah berkata "Bukanlah anak jantan kalau berbangga dengan harta ayahnya". (lebih kurang, sebab ambo dengar2 pon zaman sekolah menengah lagi). Tapi mencari asal usul keturunan itu tidak salah. Kali ini, kepulangan ambo ke kampung adalah mencari asal usul Silat Seni Gayong di daerah Pasir Puteh. Sejarah kedatangan Gayong ke Pasir Puteh ada diceritakan oleh temuramah Cikgu Onn Jadi dengan Cikgu Majid Mat Isa.

"Rombongan pergi ke Kelantan buat persembahan di Pasir Putih. Pergi dengan dua buah kereta. Di Pasir Putih, pergi ke rumah Tuan Haji Hamid Kelantan, Yang Dipertua Gayong Pasir Putih dulu. Kita kata kita nak tinggalkan Cikgu Awang untuk mengajar di Kelantan. Kemudian, sekarang ni kita nak buat pertunjukanlah pelajaran baru ni. Bagi tahu semua. Di padang sekolah agama. Orang Kelantan kata tak apalah. Bila ahli semakin ramai, Cikgu Awang minta pembantu. Maka Haji Harun dihantar membantu."

Ambo berpeluang berjumpa dengan Ayah Zi, seorang usahawan ternama di Pasir Puteh. Anak kepada allahyarham Haji Hamid "kopi". Kebetulan, isteri ambo bersahabat baik dengan anak perempuan Ayah Zi. Dari situ, kami berbual rancak berkenaan dengan kedatangan awal Silat Seni Gayong di Pasir Puteh. Selepas itu, ambo mencari seorang guru tua yang masih hidup. Seorang guru tua yang hanya selesa dipanggil Ayah Mat. Orang di Pasar (ambo pon orang dalam pasar juga sebab nenek dan pak saudara meniaga lauk pauk dalam pasar) memanggilnya Pok Mat Tokseh atau Pok Mat Merah, kerana suka makan sireh.

Bercerita tentang gayong, Ayah Mat berkata asal rombongan Gayong datang apabila dijemput oleh empat sahabat. Arwah Haji Hamid Kopi, Arwah Cikgu Ali, Arwah Ku Jak (Tengku Razak) dan dia sendiri. Seingat-ingatnya, sebelum peristiwa 13 Mei lagi sudah tiba rombongan pertama itu. Dikatakan juga, rombongan itu entah macam mana hendak ke tempat lain, tetapi ditakdirkan singgah ke Pasir Puteh dan dibuka Gelanggang Gayong, kalau ambo tak silap, yang pertama dalam negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang. Gelanggang itu di tepi jalan, hadapan rumah arwah Cikgu Ali dekat sekolah agama Saniah pasir puteh sekarang. Mereka pernah buat demo di "Dalam Rhu" (pantai). Antara yang kena pilih untuk dipijak tangan dengan kereta ialah Ayah Mat dan Arwah Haji Hamid.

Pertama kali dibuat mandi minyak, ada 8-12 orang yang menyertainya. Seingat-ingatnya, apabila terjadi peristiwa 13 Mei di Kuala Lumpur, dia sendiri yang "datang zuk" dan nampak orang-orang di hadapannya kecil-kecil. Ayah Mat juga berpesan sentiasa amal amalan zikir yang dituntut dalam Gayong. Kerana orang dulu-dulu nampak hasilnya depan mata. orang zaman sekarang memandang enteng amalan itu. Antara yang pernah tiba ke Pasir Puteh, Cikgu Awang Daud, Cikgu majid,arwah Cikgu Ahmad Lazim, arwah Cikgu Siti Kalsom dan arwah Dato' Meor sendiri (kedatangan Cikgu Siti dan Dato' Meor diceritakan oleh seorang guru tua lain, bukan Ayah Mat)

Apa-apapun, ambo cukup gembira dapat berjumpa Guru tua ini. Semoga mendapat keberkatan di atas segala ilmu, petua dan nasihat yang diberi. InsyaAllah.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Grappling in Gayong

Most of the fight would end on the ground. It could happen especially when having the opponent who is well-trained with the wrestling-jujitsu techniques. The late Dato' Meor was also well trained in the grappling style. As like as in Gayong, there is also in Kelantan, "Seni Silat Jatuh", a name of the Silat art practiced of Kelantanese people, consist of the same technique of grappling, projection, submission, locking and even "combat-au-sol" (ground fighting). Master Cikgu Awang Daud, is one of a living Gayong Master who still has the art of grappling. Assisted by his son Cikgu Adi, the ADMAA (Awang Daud Martial Art Academy), is expanding their empire of sharing the art of the street fighting. ;). Talking about his experience in Kelantan, Cikgu Awang Daud had faced many Kelantanese fighters, mostly the grapplers, before being allowed to open the Gayong Gelanggang in Kelantan. On of the most thrilling was in front of the late Cikgu Haji Hamid Kopi, the Master of many Silat, and one became the first Gayong chief in Pasir Puteh, Kelantan....

(my journey of searching the history of Gayong pasir puteh continues...)


The demo of Cikgu Ayahanda Amin Hamzah (Malayan Lion)

and Cikgu Sazali (the son of Dato' Meor) in front of the late Mahaguru.

One of the question that anyone could ask is, do we need the "Kebatinan" in every Gayong technique? I met couple of Masters and asked them about the high-level Gayong techniques like Yoi, Cindai dan Belian. It exists indeed the "Kebatinan" in every each secret technique. "Ayat" for Cindai (to harden the clothes), for Yoi (speed/"walking on air") and for Belian (strength and fierce-looking). However, the more important is the physical skill, than the kebatinan. The skill of executing the cindai technique of "Pukat", for example, is very vital as the real battle happens only in milisecond.

The human strength also can be built up by physical training, and also the internal training. During the normal respiration, only certain amount of oxygen is used for the metabolisme process. To increase the efficiency of the process, specific method of respiration is practiced for every part of our body. That's why the Jurus of Bunga Teratai, Jurus Bunga Tanjung and other respiration moves were among the regular practice of the old Gayong folks.

In our search to satisfy our curiosity of the secrecy of Kebatinan in Gayong, the old Master always advice us. Never stop training. All of the lesson and syllabus is useless, if we are not skillful and master the art. However, as the Gurulatih, the research of Kebatinan also needed as one part of Gayong knowledge. To practice it is one different thing, but to know it in it's original form will complete our understanding in Silat Seni Gayong.....

Monday, January 23, 2012


gambar: hanya sekadar hiasan...

baru pulang dari taiping. dok relek2 baca komik. puas baca komik layan internet. ade beberapa perkara datang pada fikiran ambo. nak baca boleh, taknak sudah. cuma disebabkan kerana gayong perdana yang akan diadakan nanti adalah "antarabangsa", maka topik yg nak diperbualkan di sini pon berkenaan dgn hal itu. ambo bukanlah orang yg hebat dlm gayong. masih baru dan masih muda. tapi yg bezanya rezeki ambo yg jauh ke perancis. bila di sana, untuk mengelakkan ambo hanyut hilang tanpa tujuan dan hilang ilmu perguruan dalam diri, ambo ambil inisiatif untuk membuka gelanggang. seawal 2003. seingat-ingat ambo, tahun 2005 guru ambo Tuan Haji Mansor datang, dibawanya sekali surat kebenaran dari arwah cikgu siti kalsom mengizinkan gelanggang dibuka di perancis. hakikatnya, membuka gelanggang bukan perkara yang senang. Gelanggang di perancis ambo buka dengan membuat perlantikan AJK dan perlembagaan dan didaftarkan pada bahagian pertubuhan di bandar Montlucon pada waktu itu. Gelanggang pula ada yang tetap, dan ada yg berubah-ubah tempatnya kerana ambo masih pelajar waktu itu. Perbelanjaan tak perlu diceritakan, lebih banyak yang dibelanjakan dari yang dapat.

cuma ada sesetengah guru silat, yang datang ke oversea, duduk beberapa lama untuk mengajar, ambil gambar dan pulang ke tanahair bercerita dengan gahnya tentang kehebatan usahanya. Ambo puji pada guru-guru sebegini yang sanggup berkorban untuk mengembangkan ilmu tinggal anak ini, lagi2 untuk Gayong. Apa yang dicapai itu, kalau elok maka eloklah. kalau tak elok, itu masalah dia. Tetapi apabila ia melibatkan diri kita, maruah kita, gelanggang kita, dan anak-anak murid kita, maka takkan hendak dibiarkan fitnah itu berleluasa? Gambar boleh diterjemah kepada seribu cerita....

ambo ulang, ambo tidak sehebat guru2 Gayong yg lama di perantauan seperti Cikgu Sulaiman, Cikgu Mufti, Cikgu Ariffin atau Cikgu Sam. tapi cukuplah pengalaman yang ada selama hampir 8 tahun untuk membolehkan ambo berkongsi keadaan di sana. Membuka Gelanggang di Eropah adalah perkara yang senang pada permulaannya. Tetapi yang susahnya adalah untuk mengekalkannya. Disebabkan kerana kualiti pengajaran dan pemelajaran, pentadbiran, infrastruktur, professionalisma, bahkan kejujuran perlu diambil kira.

amat senang untuk ke satu2 tempat, menawarkan diri membuat workshop/bengkel/kursus percuma untuk silaturrahim. kerana orang2 eropah memang dahagakan ilmu, dan suka berkawan. menjemput guru perguruan lain ke dalam gelanggang berkongsi ilmu adalah perkara biasa di eropah. bukan seperti di malaysia yang mana gurulatih gelanggang akan merasa terhina orang lain mengajar di tempatnya.

Tetapi untuk mengekalkan gelanggang itu bukan perkara yang senang. Selepas setahun, berapakah ahli yang memakai baju Gayong yang masih datang ke latihan? selepas 2 tahun, berapa ramaikah yang sudah ke Bengkung Putih dan Hijau? Selepas 3 tahun, adakah yang sudah mencapai tahap bengkung merah sebagai jurulatih? Dan begitulah tahun2 seterusnya. Ahli Gayong perlu bertambah dari segi kualitinya, dan perpaduannya.

Kerana itu, sebelum kita berani bercakap "oh, saya sudah buka gelanggang di negara itu dan itu", maka tunjukkanlah buktinya. Ramai yang datang untuk mencari duit senang di negara eropah. Kalau kena caranya, bagus lah. Tapi yang menipu, memfitnah, melaga-lagakan orang, merampas, memaksa dan sebagainya bukanlah cara seorang guru Gayong. Mahu menilai pencapaian gurulatih di luar negara, maka perlu datang tengok dengan mata kepala sendiri. Lihat apa yang ada. Banyakkah muridnya? Semakin berkembangkah? Atau hanya "Indah khabar dari rupa"....?

Tak perlu komen apa2. cuma, sedar2lah kesilapan diri. tak perlu dicanang kepada semua orang mengatakan diri kita difitnah oleh orang tu, difitnah oleh orang ni. Nampak sangat kalutnya. Terlebih-lebih menegakkan benang yang basah akan memakan diri. Jangan paksa orang dedahkan bukti aib perbuatan buruk kita. Dah orang dok diam-diam pun dah cukup bagus tak buka angkara kita. Rehat2lah. Selagi ada masa kita hidup, guna masa yang ada untuk perbaiki kesilapan kita. Minta maaf pada orang yang kita pernah tikam belakang dulu. Minta maaf pada murid yang kita pernah peralatkan dulu.

nak bertanya cerita luar negara, hanya yang berada di sana sahaja yang tahu keadaannya. Behati-hati bercakap... kelak akan makan diri...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

11 Pengiring Naga Rantau...

The photo was taken when the first day I brought my wife and our new born to our house from the hospital. (Which has been almost a year now!) Most of these Panglima and SriKandi, nowadays, will be at the last semester here in Universiti Malaysia Pahang. (One of them has been working now). I hope that the time that we had spent together, and will spend for the next final semester will be the best time here in UMP. I do hope that they will be always the good and excellent engineers and Gurulatihs after graduating from UMP. Hope that what we share here in Naga Rantau will be useful for our lives. For my little Aryan, I am sure he will be proud to know that his coming was accompanied by eleven future Gayong Masters.... ;)

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Ahli-ahli mesyuarat

Tuan Pengerusi & YDP PSSGM Pahang

Saturday, 14th of January 2012, at Youth Centre of Pahang

Alhamdulillah, PSSGM Pahang baru selesai bermesyuarat hari ini di Pejabat Belia Kuantan. Sebagaimana yang diamanahkan oleh Majlis Gurulatih yang baru dibentuk, ambo diminta untuk mengwar-warkan (memasyhurkan) perlantikan kali ini. Mesyuarat ini diadakan untuk melantik AJK bagi Majlis Gurulatih Negeri Pahang bagi 2012. Majlis ini telah dipengerusikan oleh YDP PSSGM Pahang, Cikgu Rahim Masrom dan seramai 28 orang Gurulatih dari seluruh Pahang telah hadir dalam mesyuarat ini. Berikut adalah perlantikan yang dibuat sebulat suara oleh ahli mesyuarat:



Cikgu Rahim Masrom


Cikgu Shaiful Hakim Mohamed Noor


Cikgu Mohd Farizal Abdullah


Cikgu Zaki Ahmad


1) Cikgu Abdul Hamid Shariff


2) Cikgu Amru Omar Abdul Hamid

(Kuala Lipis)

3) Cikgu Mohd Khairul Anuar Ahmad


4) Cikgu Anuar


5) Cikgu Rahmat


6) Cikgu Mohd Ropi Abdul Rahman


7) Cikgu Ariffin Bastan

8) Cikgu (Ustaz) Raduan


Unit Kira-Kira & Audit Dalaman:

Cikgu Mohamad Reda Arshad & Cikgu Hafiz Hamdan

Mesyuarat Gurulatih yang pertama kali diadakan ini diharapkan dapat mengeratkan perhubungan sesama Gurulatih PSSGM Pahang dan memantapkan lagi organisasi Majlis Gurulatih ini. Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. InsyaAllah. Ambo mengambil peluang ini mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada YDP Pahang, dan Gurulatih-Gurulatih Pahang di atas jemputan dan menerima ambo sebahagian daripada keluarga Gayong Pahang, walaupun ambo orang Kelantan, dan masih erat dengan pentadbiran negeri PSSGM Kelantan. Semoga, PSSGM negeri semakin professional, dan semoga penyatuan kita menjadi pemangkin penyatuan Gayong Pantai Timur, dan Gayong-Gayong se-Malaysia dan se-Dunia. Amin.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Gelihati Membaca Kertas Jawapan

2 minggu yang lepas, kami di Naga Rantau selesai Ujian Praktikal dan Ujian Teori sebelum study week di akhir semester. Ujian Praktikal dilakukan di kampus Pekan dan Gambang. Ujian Teori sebanyak 20 soalan yang dipecahkan kepada 4 bahagian: Falsafah Gayong, Silibus/Pelajaran Gayong, Adat Gayong dan Sejarah & Pentadbiran Gayong. Sambil ambo sibuk marking exam semester student ambo subjek Thermodynamics dan Fluid Mechanics, ambo jenguk2 exam anak-anak Gayong Naga Rantau.....

Jawapan Anak-anak Gayong yang masih muda remaja ini berjaya menceriakan ambo yang terlalu sibuk dengan tugas-tugas rasmi fakulti dan universiti. Geli hati sungguh. Hehehehhe. Ambo bagi contoh beberapa jawapan yang agak di luar jangkaan. Buat pengetahuan, mereka ini adalah murid yang diuji untuk peringkat pertama iaitu bengkung Awan Putih. Tapi diakhir ujian diminta nyanyikan lagu Gayong. Adusss.... fail!!!! ;)

Apa-apapun, tahniah di atas kejayaan, bagi yang gagal, harap jangan putus asa, kita jumpa lagi semester depan ye. InsyaAllah....! ;)

Boleh undi, jawapan mana yang "terbaik"??? Menang kita bagi keychain Effeil Tower. 8D

maksud lambang Naga: Boleh dipraktikkan di laut? hehehhehe... boleh ajer....nak atas langit pon boleh!

maksud Bejana air: simpan ilmu untuk diri sendiri? Ambooii..... kedekot nyeeerrr... hehhe

Adab dalam Gelanggang: Jangan cabut rumput.....

ni mesti hobi suka cabut rumput ni heheh

Maksud warna Gayong:

Merah itu Darah Kesatria.... perghhh.... semangat panglima! ;)

Satu nama kunci mati: Patah Gayong..... aduhh... patah patah... ;)

Lambang Naga: di laut. Harimau: di darat. Apa yg di laut dan di darat tuuu...

Adab Gelanggang: Jangan menyampuk ketika buka Gelanggang.

Haaaa dengar tu! Diam!! Dan jangan nak menderhaka pulak, TULAH! hehehe

3 majlis utama pertubuhan... MT, MG, MA dan "Majlis Gelanggang"?

Adab dlm gelanggang: Jangan Bunuh Binatang. Hehehe. Mcm syarat dlm ihram jer. Boleh tambah "tak boleh nikah". hehehe

nama contoh pecahan pertubuhan Gayong: Gayong Makrifat???? ;)

Contoh nama kunci mati: Kuda Gila?? Itu kombat & pukulan...

Naga Berantai mana ada.... nanti Naga Rantau create kunci Naga Berantai keh keh keh

Soalan "apa yang kamu faham tentang "Sandang"?":

Sundang & Sundang Lipas? keh keh keh

Contoh nama kunci mati: Naga Berantai, Kilas Naga Berapi Chula Lima, Tapir Berantai... hahahahhahaha. ni mesti pengaruh kungfu panda ni.

adoooii... nampak gaya mmg Naga Rantau kena create kunci-kunci feveret ni hehehe.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Just To Share...

This video also dated since few months ago.

From Gerakan we go to Elakan, either Elak Kosong or Elak Pukul. From Elak Pukul we could proceed to Pukulan. From Pukulan we could proceed to Kuncian, or vice-versa. Either Kunci Mati or Kunci Hidup, it's the "Badi-Dan" that counts.

*"Badi-Dan" means those who is faster, in Kelantanese dialect.

The basic Elakan system in Silat Seni Gayong is 49 techniques. Originally it was only 10 Elakan, and the rest are all in the Pukulan, Kombat and Kunci.

The Elakan syllabus is then completed by the Elakan Kaki, Buah Kaki, Buah Lutut and Buah Siku.

All of these lessons were the most basic thing we learn in Silat Seni Gayong. The reason why it is learned at the beginning is that these lessons are the most important training one should know. Even in Capoeira, I asked my Master. "Why in Capoeira we don't learn how to block the attack?" He simply looked at me and smiled. "Could you block a moving lorry Tranquinho???" I said "no". And he continued "Then you have to know how to escape from the 'attack'"!......

That answer complete my understanding in Elakan......

that sounds "YOI" isn't? ;)

As one old Master said once to me. YOI is hidden in Gerakan, Elakan, and the movements of cub.. (Gerakan Anak Harimau)....

Back In Youtube!

It has been a while I didn't upload anything in my narapatinantaboga channel of youtube. The internet is too slow in UMP to be a good 'youtuber'. hehehhee. Hope I could be active back with my new broadband. ;) My first upload today has been successful. Our modest demo at Teluk Chempedak. (I had uploaded here in my blog but with smaller size) Enjoy the HD... ;)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Never forget "13th MAY 1969"

The drawing of Dato' Meor who was said to have had foreseen the insident. The crying eye, the red stars, the fire etc were the tellling horrible war.

The incident 13th May 1969 was a horrible memory to our country. The war had caused lives, properties and even the integrity of Malaysian. The civil war between Malay people and Chinese Malaysian was initiated by the racist movement of the communist partie among the Chinese and the was amplified during the General Election 1969. It was truely regretted and mourned for all Malaysian.

I met several Gayong masters who had been in the civil war. Most of them in were young at that time, and were ready to die in the name of protecting their families and faith. They used the bamboo, stick, stones, knives, machettes or keris to fight with the rifles and guns. The late Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman, was among the Silat Grandmasters in Malaysia who were called to the house of Dato' Harun Idris, the State Minister of Selangor. The purpose was to calm down the Malay people, after few tragedies of the massacre of Malay people by the extremist PKM (communist) and the chinese gangster. One of the most horrible was a pregnant Malay woman who was tortured and killed, been cut off her womb and brought out the unborn. The extremist used the iron hook which used for the pork (as to humiliate the sensitivity of Malay people) to hook the unborn child out from her womb.The story said that she however took back the unborn child and and hug him/her before died.

One of the Baju Perang of Dato' Meor

The woman tourturing-to-death was one of the kind happened during that time. The uncontrolled massive racist demonstration had sparked into a civil war in Kuala Lumpur. And that was the time where the "army of Red shoulder-strap" of Gayong was called in. One Dalang (warlord) for forty Panglima (knights). And there were few Dalangs. It was then only those machettes were seen flying, while the knights were all invisible. I am not sure whether the Dalang or knights could come from other Silat school, because the story that was told to me were from the Gayong Masters. But I do beleive all of the Silat Masters gatheres with their knights for the war.

The war-shirt in the photo was one that still safe in the kept of Cikgu Majid Mat Isa. It was painted with a war "wafaq" of Dato' Meor. It was a symbol of the Dalang. It was those who wore the "Selendang Merah". It was those who lead 40 knights during the civil war.... There were still the red-dot marks on the shirt. It was the blood that still remained on it.

I am not trying to remind our Malaysian folks any of these horrible things. Never I intend to touch the sensitivity of Malay, Chinese or anyone here reading my post. But the turth is, it happened, and it could happen again if we don't take the lesson from it. It key is the unity of Malay people, and the integrity of Malay-Chinese-Indian community in our country. All of us must understand that the constitution of Malaysia must be RESPECTED. Never forget what our old generation had fought for. We could live in peace, we could live happily. But this peaceful could be taken away from our people if we do not unite. Maybe we had taken the struggle of uniting our people lightly. It is then the time to react.

As the prime minister had said once, Silat Seni Gayong is the 3rd defense of our country after the Army and the Police. Never let the different politic views saparates us away. Never. Our old folks had been there before, united. I am worried if it happened, (wanau'zubillahi min zalik, may God protect us from that happens), Gayong won't be ready in that time, because has been busy of quarelling who will be the leader, and who get that rights or not......

hayatilah..... tolong....hayatilah saudara saudari segayong ku!!!


jangan di tepuk susu di dulang

anak harimau tak dapat menyusu
jangan di pecah rahsia hulu balang
nanti harimau hilang kuku

jangan di tepuk darah di dulang

anak harimau mencari ibu

jangan di pecah mantera hulu balang
nanti harimau hilang asu

jikalau ada dulang di tangan

jangan biar jatuh terhempas
jikalau ada senjata di tangan

jangan biar orang rampas

pecah gayong di dalam dulang

dulang hanyut di lautan tujuh

pecah gayong perpecahan sayang

di suatu masa balek berpadu teguh

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Cikgu Sazali Meor Abdul Rahman & Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak

As mentioned by the President of PSSGM, Dato' Adiwijaya Abdullah, and confirmed by the HQ office, the Prime Minister Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak has kindly confirmed his presence during the event of international and national Gayong gathering 2012, known as Jubli Emas Silat Seni Gayong. The sacred date is fixed, for the time being, on 11th of February 2011. The venue will be at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

The main purpose is to gather all of Silat Seni Gayong practitioner inside the country and also internationally. A massive demonstration from every PSSGM team of every state, and hopefully the demonstration from the international Gayong team will be held. The event is also meant to award the Bengkung (Belt) and Sandang to those Gayong practitioner who had excelled in their effort of prapagating Silat Seni Gayong in their countries/places. We are still waiting the confirmations from the international Gayong association, from France, U.S, U.K and other places. Hope some of them could be here in this historical event. ;)

I do hope this event will be greater than Perdana Gayong 2010 in Ampang insyaAllah.The Perdana Gayong 2010 was held in the year of TIGER. Hopefully this "DRAGON" year will be the year of Silat Seni Gayong.....again! ;)

Tiger VS Dragon

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


My visit to the exibition of Prophet Muhammad and the Companions Swords and Seni Silat Pusaka Gayung Malaysia at Kedah last time was truly a meaningful one. Since in the beginning, my favorite weapon is always the Tekpi (or Sai in Japanese). Gila Tekpi is crazy about the Tekpi. Tekpi Gila is another thing. He He He. Unfortunately, the art of this weapon in Silat Seni Gayong is not so extensively taught, compared with the other weapons.

I learned Tekpi with few Masters, in Silat Seni Gayong, and also in traditional village Silat. In Gayong, it was at Gelanggang Gong Serapat where I started to learn Tekpi. It was one of the "heritage" from Cikgu Awang Daud when he was in Pasir Puteh. After that, I learned Tekpi with my late Guru, Ayah Ku Misai Panjang, a Master of Silat Seni Tujuh Permainan (7 arts), who had passed away in 2009. He never named specificaly his Silat, but his Silat has 7 arts, included Tekpi and Ibu Tekpi; "Mother of Tekpi" (other version is Tok Mertua Tekpi ; "Father in law of Tekpi"). After that I took every chance to learn even one single move from various Masters like Cikgu Amin Hamzah, the late Pak Jab (Gayong 3 Kalimah), Ayah Jak Silat Lian, and even in the other martial arts, especially from Karate Okinawan style when I was in France.

But being someone who is crazy about Tekpi, I search and search until I got the information about the late Pak Guru Jaafar, the Master of Silat Panglima Garang. I was in France for many years, and my intention to come and learn from him was buried when he passed away few years ago. His "fancy-like" Tekpis drive me crazy, and being able to touch and play them was always my dream. But during the exposition, the owner of those Tekpis, Cikgu Mokhtar, had kindly allow me to touch, to hold and even to play with them a little it. He had even shown us the techniques of playing it. One word I could say: "WoW".

There are many type of Tekpi. Just to name few, Tekpi Gedang, Tekpi Raja Nandung, Tekpi Gagak Lapar and others. It is said that in that style, they have 9 type of Tekpi. Some Masters who know the art are still alive in Kedah. Hmmmm.... I think I'll be frequent in Sungai Petani this year insyaAllah. He he he.

Thanks a lot to Cikgu Mokhtar, and all Gayong brothers who were there with me. Especially to Cikgu Ismail, the senior Master who knows to be humble and "hungry" for the knowledge. InsyaAllah, as I said, hope that I could manage my time correctly to be in North in this 2012. This is only one example of the richness of Malay tradition of art of war, weapons and craftmanship. Hope that the more we learn, the closer we'll be to our destination. Amin....

All credits of the photos to the owner Cikgu Mokhtar.

The best part : PHOTOS! ;)


Selamat Tahun Baru 2012

Happy New Year

Bonne Annee!!!!


Association Francaise Silat Seni Gayong

Menyambung Tradisi di Gurun...

A Panglima was observing his students

(Cikgu Jad)

Last weekend I visited the training centre of Pusaka Gayung at Gurun, Kedah. I was informed by Mejar Fitri about the annual program of extensive course and grading at the end of the every year, which is also the birthday of Pak Andak (Cikgu) Majid Mat Isa. Sincerely, at first it was quite strange to be here among the person that I didn't know. But my intention is clear, as I want to know more about Gayong family in Pusaka Gayong, Cikgu Majid, Cikgu Awang and all other senior Gayong Masters in Kedah.

My arrival was welcomed by Mejar Fitri, and also Cikgu Jad. We had a chat before I was presented to the Gurulatihs and the masters during the course. Cikgu MatRock is one of the name I remember instantly. hehe. ;) The traning was so intense of every corner of the gelanggang. The pre-white group, the white group, the green group, the red, the yellow and even the black belt grading participants trained so well and non stop for the best result during the grading. I also had a chance to have a syllabus discussion with Cikgu Faiz, one of the "actor" of the latest Pusaka Gayong book, TETAK.

The Red belt participant were training Keris

The Black Belt participants were training the Cindai before grading.

The Pentas keris during the grading

Asking the "restu"

(halal menghalal) shaking hands with the trainers, Gurulatihs and examiners

After the grading, all of the Masters gathered in the hall for the closing ceremony, where all of the participants who were succeeded in the grading will be awarded the Belt and the Sandang. Most of the Masters here I met was the very first time eventhough I had heard their names since very long time. There were many of them very senior students of Dato Meor and still active until now. Among of them, I met Cikgu Fadhil, the Deputy Chief of Pusaka Gayung, Cikgu Ismail Chik of Penang, and also Cikgu Baem (Ibrahim), one of the specialist in breaking skills in Silat Seni Gayung Pusaka.

Cikgu Siti Fadhilah, the daugther of Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman was also invited to award the Sandang to those who had given a lot of sacrifice to Silat Seni Gayong. Some were chosen to be awarded with the Sandang of Singa Malaya, Panglima Pelangi Hitam, Waris Beradat, Ketua Beradat, Khalifah Besar, Khalifah, Imam Gelanggang, Naqibah Gelanggang, Timbalan Imam Gelanggang and even Setia Bakti. Alhamdulillah, the time spent there, I had a chat with Cikgu Majid and other senior Master about the Sandang hirearchy in Pusaka Gayong.

Cikgu Siti Fadhilah was among the guest

Epol, Cikgu Fadhil & me

Cikgu Ismail and Cikgu Ibrahim

I was also introduced to the senior Gurulatihs as Cikgu Atan, Cikgu Din, and many others. They were generous to share many of their thoughts, their history and even their skills in the Gayong techniques. Special thanks to Cikgu Atan for the sharing. I know that you won't read this because of your "ban" to the yahoo-facebook-blog things, but I would really to express my appriciation for the spontanous locks at the lunch table! ;)

Cikgu Atan at left, prefer to cook than being in the Gelanggang during the grading


The time spent there was so meaningful for me and one of my student. I do feel that there is still the border between the Anak-anak gayong which makes us more and more saparated. I hold to the idea of we are One Gayong. One Mahaguru. One brotherhood. And this is the very first challenge of every Gayong practitioner in malaysia. I am sure that in France, or in oversea, this kind of problem is still not yet become critical. But if we don't do anything to change this, never that Gayong will be united.

We (Naga Rantau) intend to visit more Gayong Masters in Kedah next time insyaAllah. Whether the Masters are in Gayong Malaysia, Pusaka, Warisan, Pasak, Serantau or even alone in their own association. I hope that our sincere intention is not being menipulated by those who doesn't want to see us being good with everyone. Love for Gayong.