Assalamualaikum wbt semua.
Rentetan isu facebook, ambo ambil peluang untuk memperjelaskan keadaan agar tiada lagi yang kes salah sangka, salah maklumat, salah faham dah sebagainya. Tiada niat untuk menjatuhkan sesiapa atau menimbulkan krisis. Selepas mendengar nasihat beberapa sahabat, ambo dah pertimbangkan untuk buat pernyataan ini Pernyataan ini perlu bagi kedua-dua pihak, iaitu pihak ambo & Gayong France dan pihak En. Radzwan Razak. Segala cerita "dalam kelambu" ambo simpan.
In Gayong Bersatu facebook, one of the hot issue is about Mr. Razwan Razak (Radzwan/Ridwan), who claim himself as Kumbang Hitam. I don't want to add anymore comment about the issue. But what I want to make the statement here is that he is not, and never had been, the member of Association Francaise Silat Seni Gayong (Silat Seni Gayong France).

Mr. Radzwan Razak
The association was set up by a our first group (me and few students), especially the recent president of the association, Mr. Benjamin PONS. We don't hold any reponsibilities regarding his activities anywhere in Europe. I did invite him once to Lille for a friendly free-workshop during my short course, since he was around the corner at that time. Not more than that.He had never participated in the development of Silat Seni Gayong in France as what our association has been doing. For the respect of everyone, we will keep the reasons of this statement only for the members.
I had been officially appointed as the Gurulatih (by PSSGM in Malaysia) in Ireland only in 2007 and 2008. Specifically, it was the initiative of the first gorup of Ireland student with me to set up the association.
After that I had officially let the administration of Gayong Ireland (S.S.G.I) to Mr. Radzwan Razak and his associate Mr. Anwar (in Limerick).
I had been the Gurulatih of in France since 2003, and our "Association Francaise Silat Seni Gayong" has been officially opened in 2005 and officially affiliated with P.S.S.G.M (Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia) since 2007 until now 2012.
I hope that this statement is clear. For any formation, course, or class, in France, please consult the blog of Gayong France:
contact person: Cikgu Benjamin PONS
Any question about PSSGM, please consult the PSSGM headquarter.
Phone : (006) 342958767
Phone : (006) 342958767
Harapannya, tidak timbul lagi cerita-cerita yang tidak menyenangkan selepas ini. Semoga kedua-dua pihak dapat terus sumbangkan tenaga dalam mengembangkan Silat Seni Gayong dengan cara tersendiri tanpa perlu menyakiti pihak yang lain. Secara ikhlas, ambo sudah penat dengan kes ini yang disimpan terlalu lama. Hasilnya, ia meletus juga kerana terlalu banyak yang terkumpul. Bagi ambo, selagi pihak Mr. Radzwan boleh menghormati ambo sebagai Gurulatih di France, ambo boleh menghormati dia sebagai Gurulatih KHTC. Ambo ambil peluang untuk minta maaf, (walaupun kalau nak sebut balik memang pihak yang satu lagi yang kena buat sebenarnya) pada semua pihak berkenaan hal ini. Isu ini hanya antara ambo dan Encik Radzwan Razak, dan pohon tiada campur tangan orang lain dalam hal ini. InsyaAllah semoga isu ini berhenti setakat ini. Amin...
Sebarang pertanyaan, ambo sedia menjawab di talian kosong-satu-tiga-enam-lima-satu-kosong-lima-kosong-tujuh.
Gayong Bergayut, Kata Bersahut
really good info for anyone who is interested in silat gayong..before get any trouble..
ReplyDeletebe carefull before deal with somebody that u didnt know before/..