Kain Sarung/ Batik Jawa
One of Malay traditional attire is the cloth that man wear around his waist called as Sampin (sometime written as Samping). We can easily find the man wearing the Sampin during the Raya celebration day, Friday prayer or during a traditional ceremony. We can use any cloth to make Sampin, depending the event or time. The most expensive, and of course, the most beautiful is made from Songket. A hand made Songket Terengganu can be at price from RM100 to RM1000. However, we can find cheaper Songket, normally made by the machine (factory), which is quite "hard" to compare with the genuine Songket which is smooth and "heavy". Batik Siam also can be used as Sampin.
Kelantanese Man and Woman, with traditional attire. The man is wearing the "Semutar"
In Silat Seni Gayong for example, it is encouraged and highly recommanded for women to wear the Sampin during the training. It is one of Malaysian "Adab", proving the timidity of their women to cover their body as much as possible, especially in Silat where we train many high kick and acrobatic. Normally, the women use the Kain Sarung to cover up their lower body, a cloth that worn by the Malaysian women when they are at home. Cheap, "Cantik" and "Susah Carik"! ;)
During a demo, we wear the Sampin, whether the Songket, Pelikat (Kain Sarung for Man), or Batik Jawa. In Kelantan, especially in the village where the Silat Jatuh is popular, we use "Kain Pelepas", a light cloth that can be used as belt, Sampin or Semutar (head cover).
Many reason why traditionally Malay wear the Sampin. The first thing in my opinion is the "intention to cover up our lower part with a second layer of cloth as a sign of respect". It is also an accessory when the Sampin can be use to cover our body when it's cold at night or rainy day or hot during a sunny day. For women, of course, it can be used to cover their head quickly if there is any stranger approaching, to tie a baby to themselves, or to be used as a cover on their head while bringging something heavy on their head. It is a practical tool for a traveller too, where he can use to lay down somewhere to sleep or to pray, or to bring sometime inside the Sampin as a bag.
If you want to have a "Kain Pelikat", I highly recommand this "Gajah Duduk" (sitting elephant)
:one of the best quality Pelikat in the market. It's from Indonesia
In our Gayong school, Sampin is a deadly weapon that has a special place. My master said once that the late Mahaguru always reminded him to fear (aware) a man who has a Kerambit in his hand. But eventhough it is us who have the Kerambit, don't ever try to fight someone who is ready with his Kain Sarung.... Kain Sarung also is used as a holder of Sundang Lipas and Tekpi, and can be transformed into the famous Topi Bugis (Bugis hat) of the Cindai Jantan technic!
Even for the Kelantanese who wears the Semutar (head cover/turban), from the cloth of Batik Lepas, Serban, or towel, can use it as a dangerous weapon. People can put inside the cloth a small pebble or stone, tied it with rubber band, and use it as a dangerous weapon by swinging it to the enemy.
We can wear Sampin in many ways, hard to name it as every region or state call it differently. I made one clip about how to wear a sampin for one type. You can wear it in many ways, but this is my favorite. For those who haven't seen it you can click here:

Silat Type

Normal type: Don't do this if you wish to flirt any girl during Raya day! lol

Silang type
Bunga belah kanan
Bunga belah kiri
There is many meanings the way that you wear the Sampin. Sometime, as I said before, interprated differently by different culture. For example, one of my Master said that as a man, we make the "Flower" at your left, not at your right (see the video). But there is other Guru that I met said for a man, it should be at your right. However, seems that even during the "Naik Pelamin",
(the moment when both of the grooms sit on the chair during the wedding), the women sit at the man's left, so the Flower at left is more accurate and logical as the flower it self has the meaning of man's "lost left rib", for the creation of women. The level of the lower cut of the Sampin also shows who you are. Under the level of your knees meaning you are married. At the level of your knees meaning you are engaged (or in love!) and up on the thigh meaning "I am so damn hot so if any beautiful girl is interested, make a sign please!!'!" lol (meaning that you are still single and is searching for the true love!!!!!)
I pick up a photo of Cikgu Azizan of different type of Sandang, Bengkung and Sampin.

Different type of Adat attire of Cikgu Azizan