Stefane, Aurélie & Jade
To one of our member Stephane who just become a father yesterday! I wish lot of happiness and blessing to you, to Aurélie and to their small princess Jade!
Stephane is our future Jurulatih Gayong, after Benjamin, and is also a teacher at school. Many of our members are Cikgu lately! Hehehhee. Both of them are going to have Gayong exam and grading by the end of this year. Keep a good work Stef! Bon continuation!!! ;)

Chinese Horoscope for Jade:
Oxen in China are put on a pedestal. So it goes with Oxen people. Oxen are bright, peace-loving, often easy-going and trusting. But, on the other hand, they can also be stubborn, methodical, and fiercely competitive, with, shudder, fierce tempers to boot. Oxen are natural born mentors and life is filled with examples of people who have gone on to great success because of them. Mentally and physically alert to the point of genius, many Oxen belong to Mensa. They can create the most imposing structures, magnificent sculpture, and homes. They respond like poets to the beauties of nature and of solitude. Oxen are unique, they are The Flower that bursts through the crack of cement.
Bird's Nest Soup and Bean Curd are among the keys to good health!!
Most people can tell the difference between sugar and saccharine and with Earth Oxen you know exactly which is which. Known for their utter sincerity, honesty, and kindness, Earth Oxen will never lead you astray. Friendship is true; communication is open; and they can always be depended on for utmost fairness in their dealings with everyone. These brave souls go resolutely through life making order out of chaos, fighting windmills and coming through as winners at every turn. Years of hard work have led them to have very successful careers with hardly any problems at all in the financial arena. Romance with Earth Oxen flourishes! Love is a living thing with them that is nourished with reciprocal kindness, sympathy, and understanding. They dance the dance of love with grace, elegance, and style.
Famous Ox People: Tung Chee-Hwa, Sukarno, Richard Burton, Napoleon, Charlie Chaplin, Peter Sellers, Margaret Mead, Jawaharlal Nehru, Eisaku Sato, Princess Diana
Rais Shaari & Noorsuriani Yusop
Other good news also is about one of our member who is getting married. Guess who? It's Cikgu Rais, ex-Gayong Instructor at Bristol and Dublin who has returned to Malaysia for good. As like as Malay expression "Diam-diam Ubi Berisi" (Tapioca's silence means something is on progress! heheheh). By the way, congratulation brother, hope you still continue learning and teaching Gayong there. *now I understand why you didn't come to join me and Cikgu Hafiz on the Gayong tour to Penzance. Must be sooooooo busy with some task perhaps?! lol ;)
I wish you Rais and future wife Noorsuriani hepi2, murah rezeki, banyak anak, dan kasih sayang dan cinta sehingga kekal ke syurga!
The date when they will have the wedding day is the 9th Muharram 1431H, on 26th Decembre 2009. That day's element is the Tanah, the soil. The day where will be the benediction, the Rezeki (subsistence) and the blessing. InsyaAllah.... Amin Amin Amin...! ;)

Nah amek laa ekk Rais, pre-gift sebelum wedding day. Khatam dulu tau! Hehehehehehe... gurau jer eekkkk! ;p
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