TO LIVE AND TO SURVIVE ARE BOTH THE ART OF NATURE. To do or not to do. Already done or will not be done. Are not the things. We are capable to choose. We can do. We can change. We can fight. But the end. Will be only what the destiny reveals. A man always dreams. Beyond his own cage. Called as death. Hi's stepping forward. Enduring all the suffering and pain. Till the time ends. And last drop found. Until then, the journey must continue...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Valentine's Day in Malaysia
This is really bullshit. The fruit of the carelessness of leaders and parents. This happens when our country is exposed abusively to the negative influence from outside. Look what happen now in our Moslem neighbors. Many disasters happen as the sign of our sins. The second caliph, Umar Al-Khattab (r.a) once said, if you want to know the future of one civilization, look at their teenagers. And I am pretty sure if this continues, Malaysia will be a doomed country.
Look at our teenagers. What a serious social problems that we have! How it is easy to get the porn DVD in Malaysia nowadays. Even worst they make their own with their handset. When he starts to commit a sex at the really young age, beleive me, he won't be interested in education at school or at university anymore. What happens in the future if no one is interested anymore in the education and technologies? There will be lots of problem of out-married pregnancy, rape, and even can bring to suicide and prostitution. Where is the Moslem and Asian values in our society? What is the different of a virgin girl and not in front of Malay guys nowadays? Look at the "Malaysia's playboy magazine", Mangga, who legally shows the uncovered and sexy Malaysian celebrities that every Mom feel ashamed if their boy sees such of the thing.
The drugs also seems to be easily accessible in our country. The Pil Kuda, Shahbu, Morphine, Cocaine, and others can be owned in a low price. A young man, killed his mother because need money for his dose. This is only one case among thousands in Malaysia. I have seen all of this. I know how it feels. I know that once you are addicted with the drug, there is no more family or friend. Last 10 years, most of the drug consumers, or pushers, were the adults. But now statistic shows that more and more teenagers and students become the drug addicts..
I know that to change this, it can't be in a blink of eye. Everyone of us, who has the faith and conscience must fight this before it is too late. I don't want my beloved country,my society, my neigborhood or my family affected with this. Many Malaysian think that by doing this, by having this "liberty", by live like the teen movies "American Pies", or by "not wearing their panties during Valentine's day" is modern and soooo civilized. They are the wannabies, fools and non-educated university's students. They think when they have a blond-dyed hair, blue eyes (cheap contact lenses of course) and can speak English in "Manglish" way, they are as the updated as the overseas students...
This is where our Gayong communities can play the role. Gayong comes from Malay people. I found that if we do Gayong in the true way, with the principe that we learn and we promise during the Mandi tapak, Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi, one can be educated. How could you disrespect you Mom while you promise to obey her during the Mandi tapak? How could you take drugs while you know that it is Haram (forbidden) in Islam? How could you let your brother or sister in the problems, while you can help him/her with your strength that you learn in Gayong???
I think this is the time to fight for this. Gayong is not only a martial art. It is the way to educate, and to save people, from his own enemies. I urge my Gayong brothers and sisters, and my Silat family to save our own society. We must have Silat club and class in every school and universities. Gayong teachers must bring the real Gayong teaching, not limited it as a self defense class. We are Gayong. This must be one of our priorities before everything is too late. Jangan nasi sudah menjadi bubur....
maaf banyak2 sedara2 semua... tengah marah ni. bila baca pasal keruntuhan akhlak anak2 muda kita, rasa nak rajawali jer budak2 laki n pelempang pompuan yg gedik2 tu. sabar... sabar... Astaghfirullahal a'zim.....
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010

It has been a while since last time that I exchange some news with brother Arif Rahman from Australia. Apparently Gayong group exists in Australia and they move under the name of GAYONG ANAK HARIMAU.
The Gurulatih, Cikgu Abdul Razak Othman, is a certified Gurulatih from PASAK Singapore. He teachs at Adelaide, South Australia and Melbourne.
I personally wish you guys good luck and hope that Gayong will spread to all over the Aussie land! Aand please feel free to share with me any news or photos. ;)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Real Art of War Axe
*godek godek gambo lamo, tingat balik gambo ni. patut post dekat "Seni Kapak" dulu... hehehehehe.
Seni Lembing

Buah Berangan
Time: 9 pm
Wak Laghi Masok Gol
***Ahh.... I miss my village!!!! ;)***
arnis au Mée
Uploaded by kabir7711. - More professional, college and classic sports videos.
Arnis 2
Uploaded by kabir7711. - More professional, college and classic sports videos.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tomoi is one of Malay martial art that is popular and widely practiced by many nothern Malay. Tomoi Siam, or internationally known as Muay Thai, is one of Kelantanese game. Being a Kelantanese in a small ville like Pasir Puteh, we live with Silat Jatuh (Tari and grappling), Silat Tongkat (Silat with stick) and Tomoi. Ahhh... what a good memory in the young age. It has been three years that I stopped my muay thai activities, due to the busy life full of exam and Gayong activities. Must find a new gloves for the next 6 months travel to my country! ;)
I am proud of one of my friend, Cikgu Kacak, who is a school teacher somewhere in capital, but still sharing and developping the Tomoi school that he learned previously to the new generation. He is a friend of mine, and if I'm not mistaken had learned Gayong for two years when we were at Kamil secondary school. As far as I aware, only both of us who still "loyal" to live in the martial arts world and make it professionnally, eventhough when we were younger, many of us were the practitioners of Silat and Tomoi.
Ok, wish you a Congratulation and Bon Courage, Cikgu Kacak! ;)
***start to find that it's hard to do the 300 times pumping (tekan tubi)! heheheh****
"Ayat" is meaning the sentence. But in Silat, Ayat is the Quran versus that we recite, depending on what we need to do. Every single Quran word is protected by the Angles. That's why no one can try to change the content of Quran. The Prophet Mohammed saw always said in many of his hadith fadhilat (merits), informing the virtues of certain Quran versus that can be a cure for sickness, the easiness in doing something, much barokah, and even to protect your self and your family from any danger. Ayat can be also in Malay words, but beware, refer to the Muslim scholars if you are not sure about the meaning of the Ayat. This type of Ayat is known as Mentera or Jampi in Malay words.
Allah know best...
Monday, January 18, 2010
However, it is just a theory. Don't ever relate the quantity of holidays with the productivity and motivation of a student...never! New year celebration will change your biological clock and you will suffer the insomnia for the whole night and psychological jet lag due to the indiscipline life style. How it is terrible to wake up in the morning and run to the Metro at 7 o' clock in the morning, while you didn't have the time to take a shower or even brush your teeth? How it is so panic to realize that you are going to have an examination during the first day of the rentry, and dozen of papers for the 3 first weeks after? How it is hard to find that you got only the "negative" symbole beside the numbers of the balance left in your bank account and has to get ready to eat "Maggi" for the rest of the month? I bet everyone had experience this at least once in their student life! ;)
But don't worry, the good news is that, we are not so far from the happiest day in the year. It is said that 21st of Jun is the day that almost everyone will wake up and smile to everyone! ;) Well, the problem is only that, with a life of a lot of paper works, projects and exams, 6 months, about 180 days would be long like hell!!!
And me, after falling more than 2o times while attempting to play the ice skating in front of the Hôtel de Ville, I woke up in the morning with a "la geule de bois" (hangover) and had a hard day to present myself for the lecture at the university. From 8a.m to 6p.m, I didn't stop bagging my head. Since that the next morning I got an exam, I decided not to sleep at all along the night, accompanied by dozen of glass Milo and Kopi Haji Hamid Pasir Puteh posted by my beloved Ma. The exam was not so satisfying. I had again to prepare myself an interview for my PhD, but I didn't find any formal clothes to wear. So I asked someone to borrow his shirt, slack, neck tie, and even socks. But I forgot to asked his shoes too. So I found my self to be interviewed with my adidas snickers. Ashamed.... but still hoping!
After a heavy-duty day, I went to our officer's house to take my bag, by accidently slept soundly and profoundly until night. What a terrible monday!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Gayong France Photo Session
He made an excellent work during the photos session. Hope that this project will be realized as soon as possible for the sake of Silat Seni Gayong. Thanks Gilles, thanks Ben, and thank to me too! hehehehehe.

*About 1500 photos were snapped during the whole day. It's hard too stand still with your kick high in the air! ;)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
SSGI Gayong Seminar & Belt Award Ceremony

Alhamdoulillah, the belt ceremony and gayong seminar had been held perfectly. Unfortunately not everyone could attend due to personal obligation, seems that most of Anak Gayong in Dublin will have their examination in a week. I would like to thank Taro, the president of SSGI, and the comittees of Association of Silat Seni Gayong Ireland. Normally I should have come with Cikgu Anuar from Limerick to handle this program, but he couldn't make it. InsyaAllah next time we'll do it again together. Thanks a lot to Bro Anuar and Kak Aisyah for welcoming us at your house in Limerick, and bring us to visit the breathtaking Cliff Moher.
For Anak-Anak Gayong Dublin, especially to those who came to Limerick,to those who worked all night to edit and to print the certificate ,to those who trained all night long the Kuncian and the Pisau, to those who cook and bring the food, to those who clean and prepare the hall, to those who went searching for the knives and belts, to those who participated the seminar and the ceremony, and to those who welcome us at their house, and cooked, and even locked in the toilet at 5 o'clock in the morning after the training! hehehhehehe..
We were trying hard to save Buya...
Homemade tools
The victim. Now we believe that he has a toiletphobie syndrom...
For those who received the belts (Haris, Taro, Chot & Feer), it is your duty and reponsibility, as the seniors at Dublin to make sure that the activities must be continued. For the new comers, I wish you all Bienvenue, Welcome and Selamat Datang. Eventhough we didn't make the Mandi Tapak for the time being, insyaAllah we'll make sure that by March every Anak Gayong will have completed the tradition. Prepare for your grading, while at the same time don't forget to learn the non-syllabus Gayong lesson, especially now Cikgu Anuar is in Ireland! ;)
Advices for the seniors and juniors...
Red (Merah Rendah) holder
Fadhlil & Hariz (Kuning Rendah)
Izdza (merah tinggi chula 3)
Chot & Taro & Eroz (Merah Rendah)
Asrih (2), Tun (2), Muhaimin (2),
Fahim (3), Liyana (3), Munirah (3), Ju (3),
Ammar (4), Ipin (4), Feer (4), Syikin (4) & Diana (4)
The belt holders, don't forget to put the Chula on your belt!!!
Thank you very much once again and I pray that we will meet again really soon... Amin! ;)