Wednesday, February 29, 2012

GCP Naga Rantau Ke Kedah: Cikgu Badek

Little Dragon Aryan with other Naga Rantau students with Cikgu Badek

Cikgu Baderuzzaman was taken and raised by the late Dato' Meor since the age of my little Aryan in the photo. Cikgu Badek didn't fill in the position left by his late father easily. He had to 'parcour' a difficult way same like the other Anak Gayong.

If I'm not mistaken, when one of my Master had just his black belt, Cikgu Badek had already 3 stripes of blackbelt. Cikgu Badek told us many stories about the late Mahaguru. He tols us how close Mahaguru with the king of Perak. And their relation was not only a Rakyat-Sultan, but more than that.

Cikgu Badek also explained clearly what happened exactly when Gayong Warisan was born. It was the mistakes of certain people who caused PSSGM with the registration of 361 died. Gayong Warisan was made by the Masters to save the our Silat Seni Gayong family.

Our visit to meet Cikgu Sazali, Bonda Siti Fadzillah and Cikgu Badek trully as a coincidence of the mision of "Yayasan Dato' Meor". I do hope that this time we can unite under one roof.

Naga Rantau with Cikgu Badek

We arrived at the assembly of perpaduan gayong with cikgu Badek and his team of Alor Setar. I would like to thank Cikgu for accepting and welcoming us in your house. Hope to meet you again Cikgu! ;)

GCP Naga Rantau ke Kedah : Pak Su Awang Daud

Cikgu Awang talking to anak-anak Naga Rantau

Naga Rantau also never forget to had a visit and training at ADMAA (Awang Daud Martial Art Academy). We were welcomed by Cikgu Awang, family and students since in the afternoon. A visit to Cikgu Awang Daud never leave without a good "souvenir" to all of us. I requested all of the Gurulatih of Naga Rantau must "taste" the hand of this old Master.

I was delighted also to meet Cikgu Ali Hafiz, an ADMAA Gurulatih from Kelantan that night. So we participated into the ADMAA training with all of the Naga Rantau students.

With Cikgu Saiful ADMAA

After few hours training, we took some rest and hearing the advices and tips from Cikgu Awang Daud. That must give us some ideas how to do something back home in UMP.

Photo after training with Cikgu Awang Daud

Thank you very much Cikgu Awang, Mak Su, Pak Lang, and all of the Gurulatihs of ADMAA and brothers/sisters for a warm welcome to us. Jazakumullahukhair...

GCP Naga Rantau ke Kedah : Pakcik Kamari Melan

Anak-anak Naga Rantau with Pakcik Kamari Melan

Our GCP trip to Kedah also was a meaningful one since we had a time to visit Pakcik Kamari Melan, a nephew of the late Pak Hussin Kaslan of Singapore. Pakcik Kamari was happy to meet the young Naga Rantau students since he is not so strong enough to be at the assembly.

After my our meeting with the late Pak Hussin and now with him, I personally get a clear understanding about the "Gelaran" which is told to be so special by Dato' Meor.
Pakcik Kamari was called Kumbang Hitam, and not only him as he told. His partner also, a Boyan origine, (if I'm not mistaken) Cikgu Said, was called as Kumbang Hitam. He said that their Pentas was so violent and had pleased the late Dato'. Dato' said their Kumbang Hitam suited a lot their moves during the pentas.

We had registered the interview, and hope that all of the knowledge that he shared with us would bring the benefit to every each of us. Last but not least, hope this won't be the last visit to his house...

In the photo: Pakcik Kamari with his family and the late Pak Hussin and Cikgu Rahim.

(Cikgu Rahim was till young and handsome. Sekarang pon masih hensem aper hehehehe)

Alhamdulillah, I personally felt so thankful of that precious moment of meeting this old Master. I had lost many chances to meet many Masters who had passed away when I was still in France. So I will do my best to be be a good student of Gayong while still in Malaysia! Cikgu Onn Jadi and Cikgu Sham KSSG are both the "explorer" of Gayong Master. Thank you for showing a good guidance for the youngsters! ;)

GCP Naga Rantau ke Kedah: Pak Andak Majid

GCP ("Gayong" Cari Perigi)

Just before leaving Kedah, we had a nice moment visiting Pak Andak Majid at Gelanggang Pusat Pusaka Gayung. For most of anak Naga Rantau, that was the first time ever they met one of the senior Master of Silat Seni Gayong, who used to be the Dato's right man. Many questions were asked, including the Adat, Amalan, Pelajaran and Sejarah. Cikgu Majid Mat Isa, as humble as usual, politely replied to all of the questions of the curious Naga Rantau who came far away from Pekan and Gambang.

Cikgu Majid also shared with us the small Keris that was given by Dato' Meor to him, and handed over to him by a Kerabat, after almost 22 years after the death of the late Mahaguru. The twin Keris with the Qoranic verses, wrapped in the yellow royal clothes, is revealed to the public since the exposition in Gurun last December.

Keris pemberian Dato' Mahaguru kepada Pak Andak Majid

As usual, we met many of the Cikgu of Pusaka Gayong and had a chat with them. I personally asked the Naga Rantau students about the trip. All of them felt that the time spent in Gurun is too little and should have more since the generousity shown by the Masters there had motivated them to stay longer.

Just before leaving, we took some photos with Pak Andak and hope this won't be the last trip of Naga Rantau to Gelanggang Pusat Pusaka Gayong.

TAKBIR!!!! ;)

Naga Rantau @Gelanggang Pusat PSSGPM

Monday, February 27, 2012


Cikgu Fadhil, Cikgu Ismail Chik, Cikgu Sazali, Cikgu Badek, Cikgu Majid, Paklang Aris.

(credits to Cheeze Nan)

My point of view from Himpunan Raksasa Perpaduan Gayong

The 25th of February will be another date in the history of Silat Seni Gayong. Since the late Dato' Meor passed away, the family of Silat Seni Gayong has been politically broken and saparated due the the internal problem among the brothers. But thanks to Allah, the problem of Gayong Brotherhood had attracted the attention of the country leaders, expecially the Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib, whose father, the late Tun Razak was also the Prime Minister and Anak Gayong. The matters of Gayong is the matters of the united Malay people. Gayong has been a medium where the Malay people, who has different political view, gather, in the name of Islam and Melayu. Gayong is the place where the loyalty is only for the Head of Sultan of Malaysia.

Year by year, generation by generation, the saparation of Gayong becomes more and more critical. And it hurts for those who understand the wish of the late Dato' Meor of uniting the Anak Gayong. And the main Gayong organization of PSSGM and PSSPGM had never find a right way how to reunite the heart. Finally, we hear the word of "Yayasan Dato' Meor" from the Prime Minister. I am a member of Alumni Yayasan Tun Razak, and I know how this kind of system will work. I am optimist that the Yayasan Dato' Meor is a a right method to unite us all in the same roof.

Bonda Siti Fadzillah, Cikgu Sazali and Cikgu Badek are among those who were present.

I came with 25 university students of our Gelanggang Naga Rantau, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. We live in Pekan, and we are Anak Gayong. We came to support our leaders and Cikgus for the meaningful event. Gelanggang Naga Rantau is a university student club. We have the Gurulatih and students from all of the various Gayong families. That's why, from the beginning, our vision is for the United Gayong!

I hope that everyone of us put the political view behind, and start to work together. Every Gurulatih has his/her own strong team and Gelanggang. But we will be much stronger if we work together.

Sometime, it just flying into my head. "If I cannot change the whole nation, I will do my best to change all of my students vision by making them understand the principles of Gayong...".


My favorite Urusetia, Cikgu,

who had calmed down hundreds of guest at the T-shirt booth. ;)

credits to Cheeze Nan

Cikgu Ehsan, Cikgu Haziq, Cikgu Hakim, Cikgu fahmi, Cikgu Saiful, Cikgu Amir

(Gelanggang Naga Rantau)

with Pak Ngah Izahar of Batu Kurau and Cikgu Mat Puteh's son, Cikgu Noriman

Cikgu Majid took the Adat Keris. The Keris was "made" by one of my Master in Kelantan... Guess who? ;)

The Prime Minister was accompanied by Cikgu Majid's sons: Cikgu Tuah, Cikgu Jebat, Cikgu Kasturi, Cikgu Lekir and Cikgu Lekiu..

(credits to Cheeze Nan)

The Brothers

Mejar Fitri

Behind: Cikgu Jad and Cikgu Faiz

Spear Combat

Team "Gayong Bercantum" dan Cikgu Mufti

Cikgu Ismail dan Cikgu Fairuz

With Cikgu fairuz

Geng Cermin Mata Hitam. Tapi sorang ja ada tu. keh keh keh

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cerita Biasa Gelanggang Naga Rantau....

Kampus Pekan mengamalkan "Green"....
adalah Pengetua bela 4 ekor lembu tu he he he

Alhamdulillah, hampir 2 bulan memikul tugas baru. Walaupun masih belum berpindah sepenuhnya, ambo, anak dan isteri sudah masuk menetap di kediaman Pengetua Kolej Kediaman 5, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, kampus Pekan. Fakulti ambo, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Pembuatan juga sudah siap sepenuhnya alhamdulillah dan sudah boleh digunakan sejak minggu ini.

Tanah di sebelah rumah pengetua juga dijadikan Gelanggang Tetap untuk setiap malam Rabu, Khamis dan Jumaat. Gelanggang di UMP Gambang, jarang2 turun sekarang ni kerana jauh. Mujur masih ada Jurulatih2 Naga Rantau UMP Gambang, yang merupakan pelajar universiti sendiri yang maintain kelas latihan.

Latihan kami juga diadakan di Pusat Pelajar, di KK5 juga. InsyaAllah mulai tahun ini, kursus-kursus pelajaran dan adat akan dipertingkatkan. Kami baru sahaja selesai silibus Seni Pisau, insyaAllah akan anak-anak Naga Rantau akan diuji dalam 2 bulan lagi untuk Bengkung Merah Kosong. "Khatam" pisau sudahpun ditetapkan tempatnya.... Tuan Pengetua dah pun "lawat" tempat tu bersama kekanda-kekanda Naga Rantau. 8D hehehehehhee.

Sebagai satu sumbangan pesilat-pesilat UMP, insyaAllah satu badan rondaan akan ditubuhkan di bawah kelab silat seni gayong untuk membuat rondaan keselamatan KK5. Sub-group ini akan dibuka kepada mana-mana mahasiswa dan mahasiswi kk5 yang berminat berkhidmat dan menyumbang, di samping melengkapkan diri dengan ilmu beladiri yang akan dibuat setiap minggu oleh kelab Naga Rantau.

Seperti umum sudah maklum, kelab ini tertakluk bawah undang-undang universiti. Walaubagaimanapun kelab ini berdaftar terus kepada PSSGM pusat sejak sudah beberapa tahun. Misi dan visi kami teramatlah tinggi. InsyaAllah, dari segi kegurulatihan, matlamat kelab kami ialah untuk bukan sahaja UMP ini menghasilkan bakal-bakal Jurutera yang berkaliber, bahkan juga Jurutera yang merupakan Gurulatih yang lengkap dari segi ilmu dan praktik dalam kegurulatihan, adat istiadat dan pentadbiran. Kerana menjadi Gurulatih bukan sekadar mengisi masa lapang. Tetapi Gurulatih memainkan peranan membina diri murid, justeru membantu menghasilkan masyarakat yang hebat dari segala segi.

Doa kami semoga segala perancangan kami dipermudahkan. Segala sokongan dan bimbingan dri Cikgu-cikgu sekelian, kami ucapkan jutaan terima kasih. Dan segala nasihat dan teguran sangat kami harapkan....

Pisau sudah. InsyaAllah mulai semalam Seni Simbat sudah dimulakan...

Salah satu berkenaan pelajaran pisau ialah seni lelayang/layang-layang, iaitu latihan membaling senjata, terutama Pisau. Membaling pisau apabila bertemu musuh hanya boleh dilakukan dalam beberapa situasi sahaja. Membaling pisau ke arah musuh bererti memberi senjata di tangan kita kepada musuh. Walaubagaimanapun, dalam sesetengah keadaan, "melayang" pisau sangat effektif dan berupaya menyelamatkan keadaan.

Pada anak-anak Naga Rantau, semoga latihan kita diberkati oleh-Nya....

Kembara Naga Rantau ke Melaka

Tok Mail explaining the Tekpi and other weapons techniques.

Last weekend we took a chance to visit one of the senior master in the west coast of Malaysia at Melaka. He is Datuk Ismail Jantan, the Chief PSSGM of Melaka. It has been more than a year that I didn't go to Melaka for the training nor for the visit of my relatives there. The last time I met him was during the Khatam Lembing at Jeram Toi, Negeri Sembilan.

The previous constitution booklets of PSSGM

The time spent with Tok Mail had been used wisely by all of the anak-anak Naga Rantau as they have so many questions in terms of Kegurulatihan, Adat Istiadat and Pentadbiran.

Team Naga Rantau

Many thanks to Tok Mail, Puan Mariam, Pa Am, and Tok Mail's family for had welcomed us in to their house. Hope that this won't be the first and the last we came by to say hi. ;) Jazakumullahu khair....

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Bonda Siti Fadzillah

Isu penyatuan Gayong semakin hebat diperbincangkan di kala ini. Rata-rata anak-anak Gayong, Gurulatih-Gurulatih muda dan Guru-Guru Tua yang sudah celik mata menyuarakan betapa penyatuan Gayong ini adalah perlu. Ambo orang baru dalam Gayong. Kalau mahu dibandingkan dgn guru2 Tua, ambo hanya anak kecil yang masih menyusu. Tapi ambo tidak berguru hanya dengan mengikut-ikut kata orang. Ambo berguru dalam Gayong dengan Guru-Guru yang hebat2. Guru2 ambo bukan calang2 orang. Guru2 ambo bukan orang baru dalam Gayong. Guru2 ambo bukan orang Gayong yang sukakan perpecahan. Kerana di atas didikan Guru-guru ambo, maka terhasilah ambo yang sedar bahawa kita merupakan satu keluarga Gayong yang satu. Tiada dua.

Bersama Cikgu Ishak Hassan dan Cikgu Meor

Mungkin ambo akan dituduh penderhaka. Mungkin ambo akan disumpah seranah saudara sepertubuhan. Mungkin ambo akan dipinggirkan dan dipulau. Tetapi ambo diajar bahawa Langkah Rezeki Maut dan Pertemuan bukan permainan manusia yang punya. Ia kepunyaan mutlak yang Maha Esa. Dituduh derhaka : Derhaka ambo pada siapakah? Dituduh haluan kiri: Siapakah yang menetapkan kiri atau kanan? Itu prinsip ambo dari awal perjalanan dalam gayong. Itu yang ambo sudah terapkan di France. Itu yang ambo sedang terapkan di Universiti Malaysia Pahang yang digelar Gelanggang Naga Rantau. Itu juga yang ingin ambo terapkan di Pasir Puteh, tapi malangnya di tempat sendiri ambo dipancung tak bertanya. Qada' dan Qadar-Nya tersangat indah bagi yang menghayatinya...

Gambar zaman Dato. Dalam gambar juga ada allahyarham Cikgu Ismail Mansur yang baru kembali ke rahmatullah....
semoga roh allahyarham dicucuri rahmat. Amin...

Tetapi, di zaman Gayong tengah mendaki gunung, zaman ini jugalah berlaku perselisihan adik-beradik yang amat besar. Zaman ini Gayong sudah menambat Gajah, tapi setiap bahagian rantai sudah mula retak dan ada yang putus.

Atas dasar ini, Gayong harus menjadi sirih pulang ke ganggang. Gayong pulang ke istana, berwariskan zuriat Dato', berpemimpinkan pemimpin yang dihormati kawan dan disegani lawan. Berpandukan Guru-Guru Tua yang ikhlas berjuang sekian lama. Naga Rantau sempat mengembara berjumpa zuriat kandung Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman, iaitu Bonda Siti Fadzillah. Ambo pergi berjumpa atas beberapa sebab. Alhamdulillah niat termakbul akhirnya!

Rezeki kami, disambut juga oleh Cikgu Ishak Hasan, dan Cikgu Meor. Syukur dapat juga ilmu dan nasihat sebarang dua. Doa ambo, harap pertemuan kami dengan Bonda diberkati oleh Allah swt. Semoga niat kami menyambung silaturrahim tidak di salah ertikan, terutama golongan yang mencari jalan untuk menjatuhkan kami yang cuba berada dalam jalan yang benar dalam bergayong.....

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kursus Seni Tembung Naga Rantau

Berangkatlah seangkatan panglima bugis menyusur sungai. Bertembung mereka dengan angkatan belanda dalam perahu panjang. Maka berperanglah mereka hingga ke titisan darah terakhir. Melawan arus, menujah rakit, tongkat tebing, air pusar dan lain2 itu pegangan dan petua......

Kami di Gelanggang Naga Rantau syukur alhamdulillah berpeluang menjemput Cikgu Mufti Ansari, antara guru "tua" Silat Seni Gayong, untuk mengajar anak2 muda naga rantau seni bermain tembung. Kursus ini anjuran persatuan seni silat gayong Universiti Malaysia Pahang.

Harapannya, usaha mencari ilmu diutamakan daripada sentimen pertubuhan dan kenegerian.......

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Perdana Gayong Dunia & Jubli Emas ke- 50

With Cikgu Mufti, Cikgu Rasip (photo credit to Cikgu Rasip)

Team Naga Rantau with Jen Para USGF (credit photo to Al-Kalantani)

International Representants (photo credits to Che Mohd Hanif)

Panglima-panglima Naga Rantau,
cikku-cikku (sebut ala2 french heheh)

Dato' Adiwijaya, the president performed during the event.
(photo credit to flickr Najib Razak)

Dara, me and Saleh representing Gayong France
(photo credits to Syahrizad Akmal)

Cikgu Sani Morni (p.c to Syahrizad Akmal)

Cikgu Mufti Ansari cutting the flesh....
(c.p to Syahrizad Akmal)

Gelanggang Naga Rantau with YDP Pahang,

Cikgu Rahim Masrom a.k.a Naga Chini

Alhamdulillah. PSSGM had just successfully organized the International assembly of Silat Seni Gayong. The assembly had gathered 6000 Gayong Panglima and Sri Kandi, with more than 20 contigent representing the States, and even countries. We were honored to represented by United States of America, France, United Kingdom, Syria, Tunisia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. The demonstration were also done by the president of PSSGM himself Dato' Adi Wijaya Abdullah of breaking the bricks with his head and hammer, Cikgu Rasol and his partner of bending the ron rod with throat, and by the senior Master, Cikgu Mufti Ansaari with the slicing and cutting the hands and throats with his sharp Golok.

I were asked to represent Universiti Malaysia Pahang and France, with our very new student a French anak Gayong, Saleh and Dara. All together we are 60 students from Gelanggang Naga Rantau, with 2 buses from UMP. We moved early in the morning and arrived at the place of event at noon. Our YDP Cikgu Rahim Masrom bring his team from Chini, Cikgu Aziz came with his team from Bentong, Cikgu Anuar with his team from MRSM, Cikgu Bajan, Cikgu Farizal and Cikgu Faiz bring their team from Kuantan and UiTM Jengka.

As expected, PSSGM Pahang again were honored to have Cikgu Azman, from Pahang, with his partner Cikgu Jaimin, the son-in-law of the late Cikgu Siti Kalsom, to perform their best Parang demonstration, the real "Parang Gila" duo during this memorable event. Not forget to mention the presence of the senior masters, whether directly or indirectly, Cikgu Nordin (perlis), Tok Mail (Melaka), Cikgu Anuar (selangor), Cikgu Kahar (Selangor), Cikgu Mustafa Kamal (Selangor), Cikgu Sani Morni (Selangor), Cikgu Aziz (Selangor), Cikgu Rasip (Pusaka Selangor), Cikgu Muhammad Nor (Selangor) and others.

Unfortunately I didn't see some Masters, who normally must be present during that day, especially the Masters, representant from Perak.

Special thanks to my brother Cikgu Joel Champ, and sister Cikgu Jen Para, and of course my elder brothers Cikgu Jazwan and Cikgu Shamsul for always being a very good Gayong France counterpart since the beginning. Also to sister Cikgu Aminah of Gayong UK and your lovely....stud...son... err... lol. And to Cikgu Jazwan's guests of Indonesia, (damn I just forgot the first name), Cik Cantik and Cik April of Panglipur. Please send my very best regards to my brother Guru Mas Cecep! ;) Hope to see you all in Indonesia. ;) Finally, thanks to Master Mufti Ansaari for the demo. That was really kind of you of making that happened! ;)

I met also my Kelantan team, led by Tok Ayah (Cikgu) Abdullah and Cikgu Ibrahim Yasok, and of course the "negeri" secretary Cikgu Hanif. At the same time I got the chance to meet again my Pasir Puteh brothers, Cikgu Wan (now at Cameron Highland), with his white uniform of Wasit, and the others. In a simple word, the event was one of the annual event that we have to keep. The main problem of course the budget, but I am sure by maintaining a good management system, we'll be able to make our bond stronger with this event.

Finally, ntah sapa laaa yang amek bendera France ambo. Nak bergambar masa event dah abes dgn bendera, bendera pula hilang. Sapa2 yg teramek tuuu bagi balik nooo... bendera ambo tu ade sentimental value tu.. huhuhuuh


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kursus Peningkatan Silibus Merah & Kuning 3-5 Feb 2012

Alhamdulillah we had just organized the Kursus Peningkatan Silibus Merah dan Kuning for Gelanggang Naga Rantau UMP at KK5, UMP Pekan.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Assalamualaikum wbt semua.

Rentetan isu facebook, ambo ambil peluang untuk memperjelaskan keadaan agar tiada lagi yang kes salah sangka, salah maklumat, salah faham dah sebagainya. Tiada niat untuk menjatuhkan sesiapa atau menimbulkan krisis. Selepas mendengar nasihat beberapa sahabat, ambo dah pertimbangkan untuk buat pernyataan ini Pernyataan ini perlu bagi kedua-dua pihak, iaitu pihak ambo & Gayong France dan pihak En. Radzwan Razak. Segala cerita "dalam kelambu" ambo simpan.

In Gayong Bersatu facebook, one of the hot issue is about Mr. Razwan Razak (Radzwan/Ridwan), who claim himself as Kumbang Hitam. I don't want to add anymore comment about the issue. But what I want to make the statement here is that he is not, and never had been, the member of Association Francaise Silat Seni Gayong (Silat Seni Gayong France).

Mr. Radzwan Razak

The association was set up by a our first group (me and few students), especially the recent president of the association, Mr. Benjamin PONS. We don't hold any reponsibilities regarding his activities anywhere in Europe. I did invite him once to Lille for a friendly free-workshop during my short course, since he was around the corner at that time. Not more than that.He had never participated in the development of Silat Seni Gayong in France as what our association has been doing. For the respect of everyone, we will keep the reasons of this statement only for the members.


I had been officially appointed as the Gurulatih (by PSSGM in Malaysia) in Ireland only in 2007 and 2008. Specifically, it was the initiative of the first gorup of Ireland student with me to set up the association.

After that I had officially let the administration of Gayong Ireland (S.S.G.I) to Mr. Radzwan Razak and his associate Mr. Anwar (in Limerick).


I had been the Gurulatih of in France since 2003, and our "Association Francaise Silat Seni Gayong" has been officially opened in 2005 and officially affiliated with P.S.S.G.M (Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia) since 2007 until now 2012.

I hope that this statement is clear. For any formation, course, or class, in France, please consult the blog of Gayong France:

contact person: Cikgu Benjamin PONS

Any question about PSSGM, please consult the PSSGM headquarter.
Phone : (006) 342958767

Harapannya, tidak timbul lagi cerita-cerita yang tidak menyenangkan selepas ini. Semoga kedua-dua pihak dapat terus sumbangkan tenaga dalam mengembangkan Silat Seni Gayong dengan cara tersendiri tanpa perlu menyakiti pihak yang lain. Secara ikhlas, ambo sudah penat dengan kes ini yang disimpan terlalu lama. Hasilnya, ia meletus juga kerana terlalu banyak yang terkumpul. Bagi ambo, selagi pihak Mr. Radzwan boleh menghormati ambo sebagai Gurulatih di France, ambo boleh menghormati dia sebagai Gurulatih KHTC. Ambo ambil peluang untuk minta maaf, (walaupun kalau nak sebut balik memang pihak yang satu lagi yang kena buat sebenarnya) pada semua pihak berkenaan hal ini. Isu ini hanya antara ambo dan Encik Radzwan Razak, dan pohon tiada campur tangan orang lain dalam hal ini. InsyaAllah semoga isu ini berhenti setakat ini. Amin...

Sebarang pertanyaan, ambo sedia menjawab di talian kosong-satu-tiga-enam-lima-satu-kosong-lima-kosong-tujuh.

Gayong Bergayut, Kata Bersahut