Looking around my Silat staff, I found my Capoeira toys. It was a gift from my Mestre, a Capoeira Master from Montpellier, France. He is a Brazilian Master, residing in France since many years. He gave me this Berimbau, with the Panderro, in exchange of my Pencak Silat trousers. ;)
The experience with Capoeirists was fun, since there is no politics. During the Roda, everyone can join, regardless your capoeira style or association. There more people participating the Roda, the more fun is there. The capoeirists bring the energy, clapping and singging together, with the Berimbau and Panderro. You can join whether you are from Regional or Angola.

Mestre Sorriso & Julien (Experto)
I played with Sorriso during my Bapteme (Baptist), and named as Tranquinho. That name was quite sucks for me initially, seems he said that I was small but move fast, like a trunk of a tree blew by the strong wind. Whatever Mestre! lol. But after being called with that name thousand times, I finally accept the destiny of being called with that name. It's much simpler that Narapatinantaboga! lol
In Capoeira, we make certain muscles works differently to compare with Silat or Muay Thai training. The sweeping and swing concept is important, and the equilibrium is vital. In Capoeira we sing, some song are religious, mainly about the Christianity, although they do exist the Moslem schools of Capoeira in Brazil.

Tranquinho & Finitia
However, the game inside the Roda could be dangerous, as certain likes to humiliate and dominate others during the game. You can simply humiliate your adversary by performing the extravaganza acrobatics moves, but the best way is to "knock him out". During the festival (baptist), you can see those instructors who are playing to help the beginners to improve their game, while certain instructors play to show off that they are the seniors, with style of so-respect-me-dummies!

training with masters
I was accidently broke one of my adversary's nose, with Mea Lua Reversao. It was so serious that his girlfriend hated me so much! What could I do? I heard that he was flirting her girlfriend who was standing outside the Roda during the game. That's what our Mestre always warn us. Attention!!!!!

Mestre Garrincha & Malek
By the way, practising Capoeira as a non-brazilian,especially outside Brazil, will cost you "the price of your ass skin" (
french expression). The traditional Berimbau, or Pandeiro, will easily cost you half of your bachelor's saving. The normal Abada trousers could have a price until RM120 and up. This is due to the trend, publicities, and business, that force the Capoeira instructors who have no job other than teaching Capoeira to make this activities as his living earning, and make most of the students find hard to continue with Capoeira.

One of the experience that I can't forget is during the dinner at Mestre's house. If I'm not mistaken, it was his birthday, and he prepared us the rice with red bean sauce. I was honored when he asked me to "presented" him the Silat, which I made a modest "Bunga Teratai and Bunga Tanjung", while himself played the Atabaque. If you are reading this post, I would like to thank Mestre Sorriso, Expert, Pixot, Maxim, David, Finitia, Light, Meloncia, and all of Capoeirist mates at Montpellier. Last two years festival was my last time with you guys. Hope to see you all again.
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